Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

Surviving in space: the challenges of a manned mission to Mars (3/3)

by Pinsky, L. (University of Houston, USA)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Lecture #3 Modelling the Interaction of the Space Radiation in Spacecraft & Humans, and Assessing the Risks on a Mission to Mars... Once we understand the likely external space radiation environment and the potential harm that such radiation can cause, we need to be able to model the effects of that radiation as it penetrates the spacecraft, space suits, planetary atmospheres and any other shielding material such as the astronauts own bodies. Various mission profiles need to be considered, along with the knowledge of the potential harm that can occur in order to achieve the goal of accurately assessing the risks to astronauts, and to evaluate and recommend shielding designs to protect against any unacceptable risks. We are relatively confident at present that reasonable spacecraft and missions can be designed to protect the astronauts from any acute exposures, although this may involve curtailing certain activities at high risk times. However, keeping the long term risk within the realm of that experienced by normal "atomic workers" here on Earth (which is the current goal) is more problematic and has a much higher uncertainty.
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