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Modified Agenda: DoE High-Performance Network Research PI Meeting

Brookhaven National Lab.

Brookhaven National Lab.

Thomas Ndousse
The meeting will be in Room B. Please send Dantong Yu ( your presentation so that he can post it into the web. VRVS will be available at Car Virtual Room. The traditional phone bridge to join the meeting: September 28, 2005: (631)-344-6363 September 29, 2005: (631)-344-8261
  • Wednesday 28 September
    • Opening
      • 1
        Meeting Logistics
      • 2
        Welcome to BNL
        Speaker: Peter Bond (BNL)
      • 3
        Welcome: DOE/Office of Science Network Research Program
        Speaker: Thomas Ndousse (DOE)
    • SBIR/STTR Program
      • 4
        Workstation Network Interfaces for 10 Gbps and Beyond
        Speaker: Jesse Wen (Acadia Optronics, LLC)
      • 5
        Interoperability Between Ultra High-Speed Networks and Traditional IP Networks
        Speaker: Ram Balasubramanian (RNET Technologies, Inc.)
      • 6
        Ultra High Speed Transport Control Protocol and Architecture
        Speaker: Dr. Mathos Kazantzidis (Broadata Communications, Inc.)
      • 7
        Dynamically Provisioned GMPLS Optical Networks
        Speaker: Mr. Jim A. Klingshirn (Calient Networks)
      • 8
        Scalable Intrusion Detection System for Rapid Global Detection of Network Attacks
        Speaker: Dr. Alexander G. Tartakovsky (Advanceds Science and Novel Technology)
      • 10:15
        Coffee Break
      • 9
        An Integrated Authorization and Intrusion Detection Systems for GMPLS Control Plane
        Speaker: Dr. Chris Retna Dhas (Computer Networks & Software, Inc.)
      • 10
        RDMA Directly Over DWDM Using Fast Optical Control Plan Provisioning for Low Latency in High Speed Networks
        Speaker: Mr. Alan Jamison (Luna Innovations Incorporated)
      • 11
        Automatic Compilation of Firewall and Intrusion Detection Rules for High-Speed Network Processing Engines
        Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Mackenzie (Reservoir Labs, Inc.)
      • 12
        SAMTP (SONET Application Memory Transport)
        Speaker: Dr. Bodo Parady (Pentum Group, Inc.)
      • 13
        Grid Network Session Processing and Forwarding Engine
        Speaker: Mr. Peter Reali (Open Solution GP)
      • 11:55
      • 14
        Multi-Gigabit OS Bypass System for Grid Computing
        Speaker: Mr. James M. Awrach (SeaFire Mircos, Inc.)
      • 15
        Protocol-Transparent, Universal Optical Front-End for 10 Gb/s Network Interface Cards
        Speaker: Jesse Wen (Acadia Optronics, LLC)
      • 16
        Washington Update
        Speaker: Walt Polanski (DOE/MICS)
    • ECPI Session
      • 17
        HPNAIDM: The High-Performance Network Anomaly/Intrusion Detection and Mitigation System
        Speaker: Yan Chen (Northwestern University)
      • 18
        High Performance Networking Hardware Design
        Speaker: Gokhan Memik (Northwestern University)
      • 19
        A Lightweight, High-performance I/O Management Package for Data-intensive Computing
        Speaker: Jun Wang (University of Nebraska Lincoln)
      • 20
        Design and analysis of a Dynamic DWDM Multi-Terabits/sec Packet Switch Fabric
        Speaker: Itamar Elhanany (The University of Tennessee)
      • 21
        Phoebus: Network Middleware for Next Generation Network Computing
        Speaker: Martin Swany (U. Delaware)
      • 22
        A Theory of Stability for Communication Networks
        Speaker: David Starborinski
      • 15:15
        Coffee Break
      • 23
        Identity Federation Management
        Speaker: Marty Humphrey (U. Virginia)
      • 24
        Runtime Data Management for Data-Intensive Scientific Applications
        Speaker: Xiaosong Ma (NC State)
      • 25
        Visualization of Large Scale Time-Varying Scientific Data
        Speaker: Dr. Han-Wei Shen (Ohio State University)
      • 26
        High-Speed Firewall Architectures
        Speaker: Dr. Errin Fulp (Wake Forest University)
      • 27
        Secure Information Sharing within a Collaboratory Environment
        Speaker: Gail-Joon Ahn (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
      • 28
        Dynamic demand scheduling and protection provisioning in WDM optical networks
        Speaker: Bin Wang (Wright State University)
      • 18:00
        Dinner hosted by BNL at the meeting place
  • Thursday 29 September
    • MICS R&D programs
      • 29
      • 30
        Ultra-Scale Networking – Ultra Science Network testbed
        Speaker: Dr. Nageswara Rao
      • 31
        Terapaths: A QoS Collaborative Data Sharing Infrastructure for Petascale Computing Research - I
      • 32
        Terapaths: A QoS Collaborative Data Sharing Infrastructure for Petascale Computing Research -II
        Speaker: Roger Cottrell (Unknown)
      • 33
        Lambda Station: Exploring Advanced Networks in Data-Intensive High-Energy Physics Applications - I
        Speaker: Don Petravick (FNAL)
      • 34
        Lambda Station: Exploring Advanced Networks in Data-Intensive High-Energy Physics Applications – II
        Speaker: Prof. Harvey B Newman (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY)
      • 35
        Enabling Supernova Computations by Integrated Transport and Provisioning Methods Optimized for Dedicated Channels – I
        Speaker: Dr. Nageswara Rao
      • 36
        Enabling Supernova Computations by Integrated Transport and Provisioning Methods Optimized for Dedicated Channels – II
        Speaker: Malathi Veeraraghavan (University of Virginia)
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break
      • 37
        Ultrascale Network Research Testbed Enabling Computational Genomics
        Speaker: John McCoy (PNNL)
      • 38
        Overlay Transit Networking for Scalable, High-Performance Data Communication across Heterogeneous Infrastructure
        Speaker: Micah Beck (University of Tennessee)
      • 39
        ESnet On-demand Secure Circuits and Advanced Reservation Systems
        Speaker: Bill Johnston (ESNet, LBNL)
      • 40
        Network Quality of Service (QoS) for Experimental Magnetic Fusion
        Speaker: David Schissel (GA)
      • 41
        Highly Scalable, UDT-Based Network Transport Protocols for Lambda Grids at 10 GE Routed Networks
        Speaker: Bob Grossman (U. Illinois)
      • 12:00
      • 42
        GridFTP Light
        Speaker: William E. Allcock (ANL)
      • 43
        Detecting and Blocking Network Attacks at Ultra-High Speeds
        Speaker: Nicholas Weaver (ICSI-International Computer Science Institute)
    • Groups/SBIR Discussion
      • 44
        Group Discussion in Room B and Room C
      • 14:30
        Coffee Break
      • 45
        Group Discussion Summary
      • 46
        Plenary: New Directions in Network R&D, MICS/SciDAC
        Speaker: Thomas Ndousse
      • 47
        RHIC/USATLAS Facility Tour
        RHIC Accelerator Tunnel, STAR Detector, PHENIX Detector, RHIC/USATLAS Computing Facility, (BNL 10+TeraFlops Lattice QCDOC Computer, if time allows).
        more information
    • Adjourn