Deployment team

VRVS - Neptune virtual room

VRVS - Neptune virtual room

- A chance to refocus after the Christmas break! - Priorities and planning for SC4
    • 15:00 15:15
      Review of action items 15m
      - A useful review of the open actions!
      Speaker: Jeremy
    • 15:15 15:40
      Where are we with the transfer tests! 25m
      - we need to refresh ourselves on the problems and status - plan for the next few weeks (we need to extend the tests and continue during GridPP15)
      Speaker: All
    • 15:40 15:45
      Subjects for the Jan 13th meeting 5m
      - Topics and planning for meeting on 13th to make best use of the time
      Speaker: Jeremy
    • 15:45 15:55
      GridPP information about supported VOs 10m
      - What VOs do we support - How do we ensure sysadmins have the information they need? (note discussions at last meeting about processes)
      Speaker: Jeremy/All
    • 15:55 16:00
      Quarterly reports 5m
      - Status update from coordinators - Actions required to improve efficiency
      Speaker: Coordinators