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WLCG-OSG-EGEE joint operations workshop

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium


Ian Bird, Ruth Pordes
Please register for this event here.

VRVS: in Mountain room for the sessions in the IT Auditorium
    • 09:00 09:40
      Welcome, status update and goals of the workshop IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


    • 09:40 10:10
      WLCG roadmap for the rest of the year IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


    • 10:10 10:40
      Data challenges for non-LHC VOs IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      • 10:10
        Non-LHC VOs using OSG resources 15m
        Speaker: Conrad Steenberg (Caltech)
    • 10:40 11:10
      COFFEE BREAK IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


    • 11:10 11:40
      VOBoxes IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      • 11:10
        Conclusions from VO Box Working Group 20m
        Speaker: Templon, J. (NIKHEF)
    • 11:40 12:10
      OSG middleware roadmap IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      more information
    • 12:10 13:00
      Introduction to 4 working groups IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      For each session 2 chairpersons will be nominated: one from EGEE and one from OSG. They will be requested to present 1 slide to introduce the WGs: scope, issues and goals

      1. Release and deployment process
      2. User support
      3. Operations: experience till now and what is needed to change
      4. Site/service validation
    • 14:00 18:00
      Operations process WG 513-R-70



      Intra-VO scheduling and accounting; VO data management at sites; Fabric Monitoring scripts sharing; Middleware fixes priorities; Ops VO and SFTs; Communication: OSG<->EGEE, deployment<->ROCs<->sites

      • 14:00
        Job Priorities 15m
        Speaker: Dietrich Liko (CERN)
        more information
      • 14:15
        glexec deployment models and pilot jobs 15m
        Speaker: David Groep (NIKHEF)
      • 16:00
        Fabric Monitoring with LEMON 30m
        A description of reusable components of the LEMON fabric monitoring framework
        Speaker: Tomlin, W (CERN)
      • 16:30
        top 5 issues (uk poll) 15m
        Speaker: van der Aa, O (Imperial College)
    • 14:00 18:00
      Release and deployment process WG 28/R-015



      Show room on map

      Discussion items include:
      * How to get to timely and non-perturbative incremental upgrades of the Middleware and Services.
      * How Users and VOs have easy and complete knowledge of the Software Versions and Services that are available at Sites.
      * Inclusion of Interoperability tests as part of the standard Integration and Provisioning process.

      Release process issues across Grids:
      * Release processes in detail
      * Analysis of cross-grid dependencies
      * Development of response model for software and service change
      * Publication/notification for cross-grid communication

      more information
      • 14:00
        Cross Grid Release Issues 10m
        Speaker: R. Gardner
        more information
      • 14:10
        Release Processes in OSG 10m
        Speaker: R. Gardner
        more information
      • 14:20
        Release process in EGEE 10m
        Speaker: Lukasz Skital
        more information
    • 14:00 18:00
      Site/service validation WG 513-1-21



      EGEE and OSG each have an infrastructure and suite of tests and "robots" measuring the state and capabilities of the common and VO based services they provide.
      We will discuss how to get to consistency of the information and how to best transmit the information for a seamless view for the WLCG experiments, while maintaining the independence and integrity of each infrastructure.

      • 14:00
        Current WLCG/EGEE site/service validation tools 45m
        - SAM introduction (Service Availability Monitoring, SFT successor) and first results (short live presentation) - Top-level LCG/EGEE monitoring and validation tools (CIC-on-duty/SFT/SAM) in context of ROC/site monitoring tools: * site certification process in ROCs * which tools are there * feedback from ROCs/sites
        Speaker: Piotr Nyczyk, others
      • 14:45
        Current OSG site/service validation tools 45m
        - Overview of discuss future plans - Overview of the Grid Exersisor (GridEx) which is used as an application validator - How OSG uses the gathered site validation information - Deployment of a distributed site validation tool for use by VO's
        Speaker: Leigh Grundhoefer
      • 15:30
        WLCG service validation on the OSG sites 45m
        - LCG client software installation and validation - relation between EGEE/LCG PPS and OSG ITB - discussion
        Speaker: all
      • 16:15
        Coffee break 30m
    • 14:00 18:00
      User support WG IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      The main goal of the user support working group is to discuss on the following topics:
      - Interoperability between peer grids ticketing systems
      - VO feedback
      - User-friendliness
      - Responsiveness

      • 14:00
        A brief overview of the OSG model 10m
        OSG has a distributed support model that includes a central Operations Organization and VO, Facility and Service based Support Centers. The agreement between a Support Center and the OSG is in development.
        Speaker: Doug Olson
      • 14:10
        A brief overview of the EGEE model 10m
        Speaker: Torsten Antoni
      • 14:20
        Interoperability of ticketing systems between peer grids (discussion) 50m
        - the life of an OSG ticket for an EGEE site - the life of an EGEE ticket for an OSG site - how we plan to integrate other peer grids: Nordugrid, Balticgrid...
        more information
      • 15:10
        User-friendliness (discussion) 40m
        - do users find the user support supportive? - do supporters find the processes of user support supportive?
      • 15:50
        coffee break 20m
      • 16:10
        Feedback from the VOs users (discussion) 50m
        • LHCb 15m
          Speaker: Roberto Santinelli
        • ALICE 15m
        • ATLAS (by phone) 10m
          Speaker: Guido Negri
          more information
        • CMS 15m
          Speaker: Ian Fisk (FNAL)
          more information
      • 17:00
        Supporters responsiveness (discussion) 1h
        - are people happy with the current response time? - how can we improve it?
    • 09:00 09:50
      Report from Release and deployment process WG IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      more information
    • 09:50 10:40
      Report from User support WG IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


    • 10:40 11:10
      COFFEE BREAK IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


    • 11:10 12:10
      Report from Operations process WG IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      • 11:10
        WorkGroup - Operations Process 1h
        ppt for operations process
        Speaker: Alessandra Forti and Rob Quick (UKI and IU)
        more information
    • 12:00 12:50
      Report from Site/service validation WG IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      more information
    • 14:00 15:00
      Vulnerability Group IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


    • 15:00 15:30
      OSG Risk Assessment IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      • 15:00
        OSG Risk Assessment 15m
        The Open Science Grid is undertaking a risk assessment of its assets and responsibilities, guided by NIST processes leading to a better understanding of the needed security management, operational and technical controls.
        Speaker: Don Petravick (Fermilab, USA)
        more information
    • 15:30 16:30
      Conclusions and closure IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium

