Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

16 June 2006
De Vere University Arms Hotel, Cambridge, UK
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

9 / 9
David Foster (CERN)
16/06/2006, 09:00
Hans Döbbeling (DANTE)
16/06/2006, 09:15
Edoardo Martelli (CERN)
16/06/2006, 09:45
Erik-Jan Bos/Sylvain Ravot (SURFnet/CALTECH)
16/06/2006, 11:00
what, how and who
Klaus Ullmann/Martin Wilhelm (DFN)
16/06/2006, 11:45
plans and availability
Nicolas Simar (DANTE)
16/06/2006, 13:30
Matthias Hamm (DFN)
16/06/2006, 14:15
All (Discussion)
16/06/2006, 14:45
making a plan
David Foster (CERN)
16/06/2006, 15:45

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