Bulgarian induction to GRID Computing and EGEE project

IPP-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria

IPP-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria

The purpose of this training course is to give a practical introduction to Grid Computing and the international EGEE grid. The course is intended for researchers and system managers with an interest in grid computing and gives some experience of the current EGEE middleware during practical exercises. The training materials are in English, the language used during presentations is Bulgarian or English. The registration is necessary - via http://www.nesc.ac.uk/action/registration/egee/index.cfm?id=722 This agenda may be subject to minor alteration. Logistics: The course will be held in building of the IPP-BAS. The location map and recommended hotels list are at http://egee-2-na3.acad.bg/. In order to use a laptop to access GILDA to run the exercises you will only need preinstalled ssh and 802.11b/g wireless communication capabilities. At the beginning of the course you will receive wireless connection parameters and a unique IP address for the event.
  • Tuesday 28 November
    • 09:30 17:15
      Day 1
      • 09:30
        Introduction 15m
        Speaker: Emanouil Atanassov
      • 09:45
        What is Grid Computing? 45m
        Speaker: Mike Mineter
      • 10:30
        An overview of the EGEE project and middleware 30m
        Speaker: Fotis Georgatos
      • 11:00
        Coffee 15m
      • 11:15
        Authentication, Authorisation and Security 30m
        Speaker: Mike Mineter
      • 11:45
        Using a certificate and simple job submission 1h
        Speaker: Fotis Georgatos
        more information
      • 12:45
        Lunch 1h
      • 13:45
        Information systems on EGEE 45m
        more information
      • 14:30
        Data management 45m
        more information
      • 15:15
        Tea 15m
      • 15:30
        Data management, continued 15m
      • 15:45
        Applications on the EGEE Grid 30m
      • 16:15
        Space to think! 45m

        The course is quite intensive. This period is to allow participants to explore further any issues that are of particular interest to them, and to continue work with previous practicals.

      • 17:00
        End-of-day discussion 15m
  • Wednesday 29 November
    • 09:30 17:05
      Day 2
      • 09:30
        Installing and using of User Interface in gLite 45m
        Speaker: Stanislav Spasov
      • 10:15
        Using MyProxy 15m
      • 10:30
        Operating the EGEE grid 30m

        More than half of the budget of EGEE-II is spent on the operations of the EGEE grid. This talk explores some aspects of this service activity

      • 11:00
        Coffee 15m
      • 11:15
        Further practical exercises 1h 30m

        A number of more advanced exercises are used to further explore the gLite services. Examples include how jobs are submitted to run close to where their input data are held, and how scripts can be used to easily run multiple jobs.

        more information
      • 12:45
        Lunch 1h
      • 13:45
        Porting applications to the GILDA grid 1h 30m
        Speaker: Vladimir Dimitrov
        The main purpose of this practical is to modify an existing simple non-grid application in order to be executed in the gLite Grid environment. The practical is divided into two parts. The first part is an introduction and consideration of the potential problems of porting the legacy programs to Grid and some basic principles for writing the new ones. The second part is a practical exercise which includes all necessary actions for preparing a sample application from the participants and submitting it to the GILDA Grid for execution.
      • 15:15
        Coffee 15m
      • 15:30
        More about gLite services 20m
      • 15:50
        South-East European resources in EGEE 1h
        Speaker: Emanouil Emanouil Atanassof
      • 16:50
        Closing discussion 15m