Advanced Issues in Grid Technologies, UoA, Greece

Department of Informatics, University of Athens

Department of Informatics, University of Athens

Nikos Voutsinas
The Department of Informatics and Tecelomunnications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in conjunction with the “Greek Research and Technology Network” (GRNET) are organizing the “Advanced Issues in Grid Technologies” two day seminar in Athens, Greece. The seminar, held in the context of the 2nd phase of “Enabling Grids for E-sciencE” (EGEE-II) project which is funded by the European Union, will take place at the "GU eLearning & Media Center" Teleconference room of the UoA Network Operations Center, in UoA campus on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th of October 2006.

The seminar will include:
• Introduction to Grid systems
• Grid systems and e-Science
• Presentation of the EGEE project and the Grid initiative in Greece
• Presentation on the EGEE architecture, infrastructure and middleware
• Hands-on exercises for submitting jobs to the Grid
• Introduction to Grid applications development (application programming, MPI)
• Introduction to Grid administration

The seminar is intended for researchers and members of academia of our region who would like to get hands-on experience with the services provided by the EGEE project.

Monday and Tuesday, 23-24/10/2006
"GU eLearning & Media Center" Teleconference room, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, UOA Campus, Greece

In order to participate in the hands-on exercises, a WiFi enabled (801.11b/g) laptop is required.

Participation to the seminar is free of charge.

Seminar material language: Greek
Seminar language: Greek

The 2-day course has been fully videotaped. All sessions are available to view directly from this page in 350kbps and 150kbps formats; use FireFox & RealPlayer.
Also, you may find all original mpegs on the grid itself, eg.


In order to retrieve the files from the Grid, you must belong to the SEE VO.
  • Monday 23 October
    • 08:45 17:50
      Day One NOC Teleconference Room

      NOC Teleconference Room

      • 08:45
        Coffee 15m
      • 09:00
        Welcome Note 10m
        Speaker: Aristidis Sotiropoulos (GRNET)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 09:10
        Introduction to the Grid 1h 50m
        Speaker: Athanasia Assiki (Computing Systems Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 11:00
        Coffee 30m
      • 11:30
        Laboratory 2h
        Speaker: Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 13:30
        Lunch 1h
      • 14:30
        Grids: LCG/EGEE, SEE & HellasGrid 1h
        Speaker: Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 15:30
        Grids & E-Science 1h
        Speaker: Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 16:30
        Discussion 1h
        Discussion of various subjects proposed by the trainees
        Speaker: ALL
      • 17:30
        End of first Day 20m
  • Tuesday 24 October
    • 08:45 17:50
      Day Two NOC Teleconference Room

      NOC Teleconference Room

      • 08:45
        Coffee 15m
      • 09:00
        Entering the Grid 2h
        Speaker: Vasilis Gkamas (Computer Technology Institute)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 11:00
        Coffee 30m
      • 11:30
        Introduction to Grid Application Development 1h
        Speaker: Vangelis Floros (NCSR-Demokritos)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 12:30
        Command Line Grid Programming 30m
        Speaker: Vangelis Floros (NCSR-Demokritos)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 13:00
        gLite Basic APIs 30m
        Speaker: Christos Filippidis (NCSR-Demokritos)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 13:30
        Lunch 1h
      • 14:30
        Introduction to MPI 1h
        Speaker: Vangelis Koukis (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 15:30
        Grid Administration 1h
        Speaker: Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
        live broadcast
        streaming video
      • 16:30
        Discussion 1h
        Discussion of various subjects proposed by the trainees
        Speaker: ALL
      • 17:30
        End of Tutorial 20m