TAN Integration Meeting

530-r-030 (CERN)



Daniela Macina
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss integration issues around the TAN. These include the luminosity monitor, LHCf and the CMS and Atlas ZDCs. The meeting will also lay the ground-work for a larger meeting around March 3rd. Please upload your talks so that we have a record of the meeting. If you need help with this please contact Michael Murray mjmurray@ku.edu.
    • 1
      Introduction & Welcome
      Speaker: Daniela Macina
    • 2
      TAN Instrumentation for Optimization of LHC Luminosity
      Speaker: Bill Turner (LBL)
      more information
    • 3
      Luminosity Monitor Description
      Speaker: Alessandro Ratti (LBL)
      • a) System Installation Concepts
        Speaker: Alessandro Ratti (LBL)
    • 4
      LHCf: integration and compatibility with the luminosity monitor
      Speaker: Takashi Sako (Nagoya University)
      more information
    • 5
      CMS ZDC
      Speaker: Oleg Grachov (University of Kansas)
    • 6
      Should we build a wooden TAN?
      Given the very tight constraints it seem like a good idea to have a "mock-up" of the TAN available for integration studies.
    • 7
      Preparation for march meeting
      How can we optimize the effectiveness of the next meeting?
      Speaker: All