Accelerating data communications to produce a tenfold performance improvement for Office/Database/Web/Media applications over the WAN/Grid
IT Auditorium
Prof Wang and his group have developed a data communication protocol, which beats classic ones by a factor of 25 over a real-world link of 10,000 km. This protocol is the first of its kind worldwide. Best of all, this protocol requires no changes in the way users work with their applications since it conforms the existing IT infrastructures. During his presentation, he is going to show videos of using this protocol to accelerate applications, ranging from Office, Database, Web Browser to Media Player.
About the speaker
Prof. Frank Wang is a Professor and Chair in e-Science and Grid Computing, Director of Centre for Grid Computing within the context of Cambridge-Cranfield High Performance Computing Facility (CCHPCF). Prof Wang's appointment is seen as crucial to the initiative of the CCHPCF, which is a collaborative research facility in the Universities of Cambridge and Cranfield. Prof Wang has a publication record including a book titled "Encyclopedia of Grid Computing" (underway) and 57 journal papers [12 IEEE Transactions, 5 JAP, 1 APL, 2 ACM publications, etc]. Prof Wang is on the Editorial Board of 4 international journals. He serves the High End Computing Panel for Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). He has been elected as the Chairman (UK & Republic of Ireland Chapter) of the IEEE Computer Society from January 2005. He has been invited to give talks at Princeton University, Cambridge University (e-Science Centre), Oxford University, Birmingham University, Manchester University, etc.
Organiser(s): Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars / IT Department