Michael Kohl
(Hampton University)
Hidden-sector light bosons can provide simultaneous explanations
of dark matter and solutions of recent puzzles in particle physics such as
the muon anomalous magnetic moment or the proton charge radius. The TREK
program at J-PARC, Japan, provides opportunity to search for light bosons in
the mass region below 200 MeV/$c^2$ via rare decay of positively charged kaons
in several decay modes. A dedicated search for a dark photon below 100
MeV/$c^2$ is being pursued with the DarkLight program at Jefferson Lab,
Virginia, USA, using electron scattering from a hydrogen gas target
internal to an energy recovery accelerator.
A large production data set has been acquired with TREK in 2015, while
preparations are ongoing for the initial phase of the DarkLight
program in 2016-17. The status of both programs will be presented.
Michael Kohl
(Hampton University)