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ICHEP 2016 Chicago

from Wednesday, August 3, 2016 (8:00 AM) to Wednesday, August 10, 2016 (6:00 PM)
Chicago IL USA

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Aug 3, 2016
Aug 4, 2016
Aug 5, 2016
Aug 6, 2016
Aug 7, 2016
Aug 8, 2016
Aug 9, 2016
Aug 10, 2016
7:00 AM
Registration (until 9:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM
Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics - Xiaoyan Shen (Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN)) (until 11:00 AM) (Ontario)
9:00 AM Exotic hadrons at the LHC (25' + 5') - Liming Zhang (Tsinghua University (CHINA))   (Ontario)
9:30 AM Exotic hadrons at the Tevatron (15' + 5') - Daria Zieminska (Indiana University (US))   (Ontario)
9:50 AM b-hadron production at ATLAS and CMS (20' + 5') - Eduard De La Cruz Burelo (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (MX))   (Ontario)
10:15 AM b-hadron production at LHCb (15' + 5') - Marina Artuso (Syracuse University (US))   (Ontario)
10:35 AM charm-hadron production at hadron colliders (20' + 5') - Miriam Watson (University of Birmingham (GB))   (Ontario)
9:00 AM
Neutrino Physics - Hiroyuki Sekiya (University of Tokyo) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 6)
9:00 AM Atmospheric Neutrino Results from Super-Kamiokande (15' + 2') - Mr Zepeng Li (Duke University)   (Chicago 6)
9:17 AM Solar neutrino results from Super-Kamiokande (15' + 3') - Yuuki Nakano (Kamioka Observatory)   (Chicago 6)
9:35 AM Recent results from Borexino (25' + 5') - Davide D'Angelo (Universita' degli Studi Milano)   (Chicago 6)
10:05 AM Neutrino decay and Solar Neutrino Seasonal effect (15' + 2') - Orlando L. G. Peres (UNICAMP)   (Chicago 6)
10:22 AM $\nu_{\mu}$ Disappearance with IceCube/Deepcore (15' + 5') - Joshua Hignight (Michigan State University)   (Chicago 6)
9:00 AM
Beyond the Standard Model - Bruce Mellado Garcia (University of the Witwatersrand) Seema Sharma (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IN)) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 7)
9:00 AM Search for supersymmetry with jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at 13 TeV with CMS (15' + 5') - Francesco Pandolfi (ETH Zürich)   (Chicago 7)
9:20 AM Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos in fully hadronic final states with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - David Miller (University of Chicago (US))   (Chicago 7)
9:40 AM Search for supersymmetry in events with one lepton, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at 13 TeV with CMS (15' + 5') - Artur Apresyan (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Chicago 7)
10:00 AM Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos in lepton channels with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Lucian Stefan Ancu (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Chicago 7)
10:20 AM Search for supersymmetry in events with two or more leptons in pp collisions at 13 TeV with CMS (15' + 5') - Marc Dunser (CERN)   (Chicago 7)
10:40 AM Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Dongliang Zhang (University of Michigan (US))   (Chicago 7)
9:00 AM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 8)
9:00 AM The SiD Detector for the International Linear Collider (15' + 5') - Andrew White (University of Texas at Arlington)   (Chicago 8)
9:20 AM ATLAS Upgrades for the next Decades (15' + 5') - Guido Volpi (Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))   (Chicago 8)
9:40 AM Detector Systems for the Muon g-2 Experiment (15' + 5') - Jarek Kaspar (University of Washington)   (Chicago 8)
10:00 AM Simulations for energy frontier (15' + 5') - Sergei Chekanov (Argonne National Laboratory (US))   (Chicago 8)
10:20 AM Status of the CEPC Project: Accelerator, Detector and Physics (15' + 5') - Jie GAO (IHEP)   (Chicago 8)
10:40 AM Study Of Boosted W-Jets And Higgs-Jets With the SiFCCDetector (15' + 5') - Shin-Shan Yu (National Central University (TW))   (Chicago 8)
9:00 AM
Higgs Physics - Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 9)
9:00 AM Determination of the total LHC Higgs boson Cross Section (15' + 5') - Dr Franz Herzog (Nikhef)   (Chicago 9)
9:20 AM Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the SM Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel using the ATLAS detector (12' + 3') - Andrew Pilkington (University Of Manchester)   (Chicago 9)
9:35 AM Measurements of Higgs boson production and properties in the di-photon decay channel using the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Vittorio Raoul Tavolaro (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))   (Chicago 9)
9:50 AM Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the SM Higgs boson in the ZZ decay channel using the ATLAS detector (12' + 3') - Ludovica Aperio Bella (University of Birmingham (GB))   (Chicago 9)
10:05 AM Measurements of Higgs boson production and properties in the ZZ decay channel using the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Simon Regnard (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Chicago 9)
10:20 AM Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the SM Higgs boson in the WW decay channel using the ATLAS detector (12' + 3') - Claudia Bertella (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (Chicago 9)
10:35 AM Measurements of Higgs boson production and properties in the WW decay channel using the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Andrea Massironi (Northeastern University (US))   (Chicago 9)
9:00 AM
Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology - Kirsten Anne Tollefson (Michigan State University (US)) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 10)
9:00 AM Precision Measurement of the (e$^{+}$+e$^{−}$) Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station (12' + 3') - Valerio Vagelli (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))   (Chicago 10)
9:15 AM Precision measurement of the antiproton-to-proton ratio by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station (12' + 3') - Andrew Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Chicago 10)
9:30 AM Precision Measurement of Boron-to-Carbon and Carbon-to-Helium flux ratio in Cosmic Rays from 2 GV to 2 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. (12' + 3') - Alberto Oliva (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)   (Chicago 10)
9:45 AM Search for Space-Time Correlations from the Planck Scale with the Fermilab Holometer (15' + 5') - Dr Chris Stoughton (Fermilab)   (Chicago 10)
10:05 AM Exotic Rotational Correlations from Quantum Geometry (15' + 5') - Prof. Craig Hogan (Fermilab and University of Chicago)   (Chicago 10)
10:25 AM Sterile neutrino dark matter and the 3.5 keV line (15' + 5') - Shunsaku Horiuchi (Virginia Tech)   (Chicago 10)
10:45 AM Hints of new physics from stars (12' + 3') - Maurizio Giannotti (Barry University)   (Chicago 10)
9:00 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics - Diego Milanes Carreno (Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO)) (until 11:00 AM) (Superior A)
9:00 AM CP asymmetries in $D$ decays to two pseudoscalars (15' + 5') - Ulrich Nierste (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Ulrich Nierste (Unknown) Ulrich Nierste (KIT)   (Superior A)
9:20 AM Mixing and CP violation in charm decays at LHCb (10' + 5') - Adam Davis (University of Cincinnati (US))   (Superior A)
9:35 AM Recent BABAR results on mixing and CP violation in the charm sector. (10' + 5') - Alessandro Pilloni (Jefferson Lab)   (Superior A)
9:50 AM Search for $CP$ violation in $D$ decays to radiative and hadronic decays (10' + 5') - Nibedita Dash (IIT Bhubaneswar)   (Superior A)
10:05 AM CP Asymmetries in Many-Body Final in Beauty & Charm Transitions (15' + 5') - Ikaros Bigi (Univ. of Notre Dame)   (Superior A)
10:25 AM D0D0-bar mixing and hadronic D decays at BESIII (10' + 5') - Xiao-Rui Lyu (UCAS)   (Superior A)
10:40 AM Standard Model Prediction for Direct CP-violation in K-decays, and Long-Distance Contributions to Kaonic Ampltiudes (15' + 5') - Christopher Kelly (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Superior A)
9:00 AM
Accelerator: Physics, Performance, R&D and Future Facilities - Eugene Levichev (until 11:00 AM) (Superior B)
9:00 AM Status of the CEPC Project, accelerator, detector and physics (15' + 5') - Jie GAO (IHEP)   (Superior B)
9:20 AM Review of interaction regions for future crab waist colliders. (15' + 5') - Dr Anton Bogomyagkov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (Superior B)
9:40 AM Beam Optics for FCC-ee Collider Ring (15' + 5') - Katsunobu Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   (Superior B)
10:00 AM Research program on the cryogenic beam-vacuum of the FCC-hh (15' + 5') - Roberto Kersevan (CERN)   (Superior B)
10:20 AM The CERN High Field Magnet Program (15' + 5') - Paolo Fessia (CERN)   (Superior B)
10:40 AM Landscape of Future Accelerators at the Energy and Intensity Frontier (15' + 5') - Prof. Michael Syphers (Northern Illinois University)   (Superior B)
9:00 AM
Top Quark and Electroweak Physics - Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva (CERN) (until 11:00 AM) (Huron)
9:00 AM Top quark pair production cross-section measurements with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - James William Howarth (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Huron)
9:20 AM Top pair cross section measurements (incl./diff.) and event modelling with the CMS detector (15' + 5') - James Michael Keaveney (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Huron)
9:40 AM Theoretical results for top-quark cross sections and distributions (15' + 5') - Nikolaos Kidonakis (Kennesaw State University)   (Huron)
10:00 AM Latest developments on WbWb production at hadron colliders (15' + 5') - Jan Winter (Michigan State University (MSU), USA)   (Huron)
10:20 AM Measurements of ttbar+X using the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Dr Yichen Li (Siegen University)   (Huron)
10:40 AM Latest developments in the simulation of final states involving top-pair and heavy bosons (15' + 5') - Emanuele Re (LAPTh Annecy)   (Huron)
11:00 AM --- Break ---
11:00 AM Outreach Training   (Riverwalk A/B)
11:20 AM
Higgs Physics - Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 9)
11:20 AM Measurement of fermionic couplings of the SM Higgs boson using the leptonic decay channels with the ATLAS detector (12' + 3') - Dr Christian Grefe (Universitaet Bonn (DE))   (Chicago 9)
11:35 AM Measurements of Higgs boson production and properties in the di-lepton decay channel using the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Pooja Saxena (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Chicago 9)
11:50 AM Search for the SM Higgs boson in VH(bb) channel using the ATLAS detector (12' + 3') - Patricia Conde Muino (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)   (Chicago 9)
12:05 PM Measurements of Higgs boson production and properties in the bbbar decay channel using the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Chris Palmer (Princeton University (US))   (Chicago 9)
12:20 PM Search for the SM Higgs boson in the ttH production channel using the ATLAS detector. (12' + 3') - John Stakely Keller (DESY (DE))   (Chicago 9)
12:35 PM Search for Higgs bosons produced in association with top quarks in the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Marco Peruzzi (CERN)   (Chicago 9)
12:50 PM Determination of the Higgs boson properties with the ATLAS detector. (15' + 5') - Bertrand Laforge ( Phys.Nucleaire et de Hautes Energie/LPNHE (LPNHE))   (Chicago 9)
1:10 PM Combined results of the 125 GeV Higgs boson on the mass, tensor structure, and couplings measured by the CMS detector (15' + 5') - Ulascan Sarica (Johns Hopkins University (US))   (Chicago 9)
11:30 AM
Computing - Randy Sobie (University of Victoria (CA)) (until 1:30 PM) (Ontario)
11:30 AM CMS operations for Run II: preparation and commissioning of the offline infrastructure (15' + 5') - Gianluca Cerminara (CERN)   (Ontario)
11:50 AM First experience with the new ATLAS analysis model (15' + 5') - Jack Cranshaw (Argonne National Laboratory (US))   (Ontario)
12:10 PM The Geant4 Validation Repository (15' + 5') - Hans-Joachim Wenzel (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Ontario)
12:30 PM Linear Collider Software and Computing (15' + 5') - Nikiforos Nikiforou (CERN)   (Ontario)
12:50 PM Overview and Highlights of the Belle II Computing and Software (25' + 5') - Malachi Schram   (Ontario)
11:30 AM
Neutrino Physics - Seon-Hee Seo (Seoul National University) (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 6)
11:30 AM What is delta m^2_{ee} ? (15' + 5') - Stephen Parke (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Chicago 6)
11:50 AM Precision Measurement of $\sin^{2}(2\theta_{13})$ and $|\Delta m^{2}_{ee}|$ from Daya Bay (15' + 5') - Dr Jiajie Ling   (Chicago 6)
12:10 PM Spectral measurment of theta13 and |dm_ee^2| at RENO (15' + 5') - Dr Jun-Ho Choi (Dongshin University)   (Chicago 6)
12:30 PM First double-detector results from Double Chooz experiment (15' + 5') - Tsunayuki Matsubara (Tokyo Metropolitan University)   (Chicago 6)
12:50 PM Design, status and plans of JUNO & RENO-50 as a comprehensive neutrino program (15' + 5') - Prof. Yuekun Heng (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing)   (Chicago 6)
1:10 PM Theoretical motivations for the precision measurement of the oscillation parameters (15' + 5') - Dr Ye-Ling Zhou (Durham University)   (Chicago 6)
11:30 AM
Beyond the Standard Model - Bruce Mellado Garcia (University of the Witwatersrand) Seema Sharma (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IN)) (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 7)
11:30 AM Search for electroweak production of SUSY at CMS (15' + 5') - Santiago Folgueras (Purdue University (US))   (Chicago 7)
11:50 AM Global Fits of the MSSM with GAMBIT (15' + 5') - Jonathan Cornell (McGill University)   (Chicago 7)
12:10 PM Phenomenological MSSM interpretation of CMS results (15' + 5') - Samuel Louis Bein (Florida State University (US))   (Chicago 7)
12:30 PM CheckMATE: Checkmating new physics at the LHC (15' + 5') - Jamie Tattersall (RWTH Aachen)   (Chicago 7)
12:50 PM Search for third generation squarks in pp collisions at 13 TeV with CMS (15' + 5') - Nadja Strobbe (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Chicago 7)
1:10 PM Search for third generation squarks in pp collisions at 13 TeV with ATLAS (15' + 5') - Kilian Rosbach (Universität Freiburg (DE))   (Chicago 7)
11:30 AM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Marzio Nessi (CERN) (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 8)
11:30 AM Design studies for the Phase II upgrade of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter (12' + 3') - Toyoko Orimoto (Northeastern University (US))   (Chicago 8)
11:45 AM Recent progress with very forward calorimeters for linear colliders (12' + 3') - Oleksandr Borysov (Tel Aviv University (IL))   (Chicago 8)
12:00 PM Design, status and test of the Mu2e crystal calorimeter (12' + 3') - David Hitlin   (Chicago 8)
12:15 PM Performance study for the CEPC ScW Ecal (12' + 3') - Dr Zhigang Wang (IHEP,China)   (Chicago 8)
12:30 PM Upgrade of the ATLAS Calorimeters for Higher LHC Luminosities (12' + 3') - Ryne Michael Carbone (Columbia University (US))   (Chicago 8)
12:45 PM test beam results on W-fiber and tilted plate calorimeters for a new RHIC experiment (12' + 3') - Dr Achim Franz (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Chicago 8)
1:00 PM Technologies for highly granular electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters (12' + 3') - Huong Lan Tran (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Chicago 8)
1:15 PM The Shashlik Calorimeter, a LYSO/W plate Calorimeter for Precision EM Calorimeter in the High Luminosity LHC environment (12' + 3') - Brad Cox (University of Virginia (US))   (Chicago 8)
11:30 AM
Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology -Prof. Justin Vandenbroucke (University of Wisconsin) (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 10)
11:30 AM Latest Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory (15' + 5') - Olivier Deligny (CNRS/IN2P3)   (Chicago 10)
11:50 AM Results from the Telescope Array Experiment (15' + 5') - Prof. Charles Jui (Telescope Array Collaboration)   (Chicago 10)
12:10 PM Search for anisotropy of UHECR with the Telescope Array experiment (12' + 3') - Peter Tinyakov (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB))   (Chicago 10)
12:25 PM Detection of High Energy Cosmic Rays at the Auger Engineering Radio Array (12' + 3') - Sijbrand De Jong (Radboud University Nijmegen (NL))   (Chicago 10)
12:40 PM First Results from the Telescope Array RADAR (TARA) Cosmic Ray Observatory Remote Stations (12' + 3') - steven prohira (University of Kansas)   (Chicago 10)
12:55 PM The Origin of the Broken Power Law Spectrum for Cosmic Rays (15' + 5') - John Swain (Northeastern University (US))   (Chicago 10)
1:15 PM Prompt atmospheric neutrino flux (12' + 3') - Dr Yu Seon Jeong (KISTI)   (Chicago 10)
11:30 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics - Diego Milanes Carreno (Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO)) (until 1:30 PM) (Superior A)
11:30 AM Dalitz analysis of charmless b-hadron decays at LHCb (10' + 5') - Louis Henry (Paris-LPNHE)   (Superior A)
11:45 AM Recent results on charmless $B$ and $B_s$ decays from Belle (10' + 5') - Kamal Jyoti Nath (research scholar)   (Superior A)
12:00 PM Charmless two-body b-meson decays at LHCb (10' + 5') - Maria Vieites Diaz (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   (Superior A)
12:15 PM Recent Heavy Flavor results from D0 (10' + 5') - Iain Bertram (Lancaster University (GB))   (Superior A)
12:30 PM CP violation measurements in B0 to D(*)0_CP h0 decays with BaBar+Belle joint analysis approach (10' + 5') - Markus Roehrken (California Institute of Technology)   (Superior A)
12:45 PM CP violation in hadronic tau decays (15' + 5') - Ina Lorenz (Indiana University)   (Superior A)
1:05 PM Vus from tau decay data (15' + 5') - Kim Maltman (York University)   (Superior A)
11:30 AM
Accelerator: Physics, Performance, R&D and Future Facilities - Jie GAO (IHEP) Katsunobu Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 1:30 PM) (Superior B)
11:30 AM Fermilab PIP-II Status and Strategy (15' + 5') - Shekhar Mishra (Fermilab)   (Superior B)
11:50 AM Achievement and future upgrade of J-PARC accelerator (15' + 5') - Tadashi Koseki (KEK)   (Superior B)
12:10 PM Update of the HL-LHC Baseline Configuration, operation scenarios and performance projections (15' + 5') - Gianluigi Arduini (CERN)   (Superior B)
12:30 PM Fermilab's Accelerator Complex: Current Status, Upgrades and Outlook (15' + 5') - Mary Convery (Fermilab)   (Superior B)
12:50 PM Review of Laser Backscattering as an Approach for Electron Beam Energy Measurement (15' + 5') - Nickolai Muchnoi   (Superior B)
1:10 PM Simulation of orientational coherent effects via Geant4 (15' + 5') - Enrico Bagli (Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))   (Superior B)
11:30 AM
Top Quark and Electroweak Physics - Doreen Wackeroth (SUNY Buffalo) (until 1:30 PM) (Huron)
11:30 AM Higher-orders in heavy quark processes within the LTD approach (15' + 5') - German Sborlini (IFIC-Valencia)   (Huron)
11:50 AM NLO predictions for SM EFT in the top-quark sector (15' + 5') - Cen Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Huron)
12:10 PM Top properties measurements with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Antonio Limosani (University of Sydney (AU))   (Huron)
12:30 PM Top properties measurements with the CMS detector at the LHC (15' + 5') - Jui-Fa Tsai (National Taiwan University (TW))   (Huron)
12:50 PM Measurement of top quark properties in single top production (15' + 5') - Abideh Jafari (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   (Huron)
1:10 PM Measurements of spin correlation, spin polarization, and forward-backward asymmetries in $t\bar t$ -> ttbar events at the Tevatron (D0+CDF) (15' + 5') - Andreas Jung (Purdue)   (Huron)
7:00 AM
Registration (until 8:00 AM) ()
8:00 AM
Diversity and Inclusion (until 9:00 AM) (Superior B)
8:00 AM Panel Discussion with Students from Rwanda   (Superior B)
9:00 AM
Joint Beyond the Standard Model & Higgs - Kiwoon Choi (KAIST) Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) (until 11:10 AM) (Chicago 7)
9:00 AM Search for a high mass diphoton resonance using the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Bruno Lenzi (CERN)   (Chicago 7)
9:20 AM Searches for BSM physics in diphoton final state at CMS (15' + 5') - Chiara Ilaria Rovelli (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (Chicago 7)
9:40 AM The Relaxion and Composite Higgs (12' + 3') - Michael Fedderke (University of Chicago)   (Chicago 7)
9:55 AM Dark sector shining through 750 GeV dark Higgs boson at the LHC (12' + 3') - pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))   (Chicago 7)
10:10 AM The NMSSM lives - with the 750 GeV diphoton excess (12' + 3') - Krzysztof Rolbiecki (University of Warsaw)   (Chicago 7)
10:25 AM Measuring the diphoton coupling of a 750 GeV resonance at the LHC (12' + 3') - Christophe Royon (University of Kansas (US))   (Chicago 7)
10:40 AM Diphoton and Diquark Resonances in U(1) Extension of MSSM (12' + 3') - qaisar shafi (university of delaware)   (Chicago 7)
10:55 AM Higgs-radion Interpretation of the 750 GeV di-photon excess at the LHC (12' + 3') - Jack Gunion (University of California Davis (US))   (Chicago 7)
9:00 AM
Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics - Robert Schoefbeck (Ghent University (BE)) Emily Laura Nurse (University of London (GB)) (until 11:00 AM) (Ontario)
9:00 AM The underlying event and Monte Carlo tunes at the LHC (12' + 3') - Richard Dryden Field (University of Florida (US))   (Ontario)
9:15 AM The Extremes of the Underlying Event (12' + 3') - Tim Martin (University of Warwick (GB))   (Ontario)
9:30 AM Double parton scattering at hadron colliders (20' + 5') - Jason Adrian Kamin (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))   (Ontario)
9:55 AM Associated production of quarkonia and heavy hadrons (20' + 5') - Jane Nachtman (University of Iowa (US))   (Ontario)
10:20 AM Associated V+quarkonia (15' + 5') - Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University (CZ))   (Ontario)
10:40 AM Multiple partonic interactions in production of four jets within High Energy Factorization (15' + 5') - Krzysztof Kutak (Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk)   (Ontario)
9:00 AM
Neutrino Physics - Andre De Gouvea (Northwestern University) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 6)
9:00 AM Sterile Neutrinos in Models (15' + 3') - Dr Werner Rodejohann   (Chicago 6)
9:18 AM Gauge Coupling Unification in Radiative Neutrino Mass Models (15' + 2') - Stella Riad (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)   (Chicago 6)
9:35 AM Testing Neutrino Mass Models at the LHC and beyond (15' + 3') - Dr Bhupal Dev (MPIK, Heidelberg)   (Chicago 6)
9:53 AM Searches for heavy neutrinos at the LHC (30' + 4') - Un-ki Yang (Seoul National University) Un Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR))   (Chicago 6)
10:27 AM Global constraints on heavy neutrino seesaw mixing (15' + 3') - Josu Hernandez   (Chicago 6)
10:45 AM Neutrino physics with SHIP (13' + 2') - Eric Van Herwijnen (CERN)   (Chicago 6)
9:00 AM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Marzio Nessi (CERN) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 8)
9:00 AM Mu2e upgrade physics reach optimization studies for the PIP-II era (15' + 5') - Vitaly Pronskikh (Fermilab)   (Chicago 8)
9:20 AM Status of SuperKEKB commissioning and Belle II detector construction (15' + 5') - Peter Lewis (University of Hawaii)   (Chicago 8)
9:40 AM The Fermilab Test Beam Facility (15' + 5') - Mandy Rominsky (Fermilab)   (Chicago 8)
10:00 AM GIF++: A new CERN Irradiation Facility to test large-area particle detectors for the High-Luminosity LHC program (15' + 5') - Roberto Guida (CERN)   (Chicago 8)
10:20 AM Hybrid cosmic rays detector (15' + 5') - Diego Andrade (Universidad de Guanajuato) Julian Felix (Instituto de Fisica, Universidad de Guanajuato. Mexico)   (Chicago 8)
10:40 AM Challenges of Particle Flow reconstruction in the CMS High-Granularity Calorimeter at the High-Luminosity LHC (15' + 5') - Lindsey Gray (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Chicago 8)
9:00 AM
Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology - Shirley Ho (Carnegie Mellon University (US)) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 10)
9:00 AM Strong Lensing Search and Confirmation Results from the Dark Energy Survey (12' + 3') - Brian Nord (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Chicago 10)
9:15 AM Galaxy Clusters in DES: latest results (12' + 3') - Marcelle Soares-Santos (Fermilab)   (Chicago 10)
9:30 AM Cosmology from Clusters and Joint SPT-DES Analyses of Clusters in the SPT-SZ survey (12' + 3') - Lindsey Bleem (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Chicago 10)
9:45 AM The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and Survey (15' + 5') - brenna flaugher (Fermilab)   (Chicago 10)
10:05 AM In the era of large scale surveys: from BOSS to WFIRST (15' + 5') - Shirley Ho (Carnegie Mellon University (US))   (Chicago 10)
10:25 AM Disentangling redshift-space distortions and nonlinear bias using large scale structure dynamics (15' + 5') - Elise Jennings   (Chicago 10)
10:45 AM Non-Gaussian Covariance of the Matter Power Spectrum in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (12' + 3') - Mikhail Solon   (Chicago 10)
9:00 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics - Bradley Lee Roberts (Boston University) (until 11:00 AM) (Superior A)
9:00 AM Lepton Flavor Violation in B decays (15' + 5') - Diego Guadagnoli (LAPTh Annecy)   (Superior A)
9:20 AM Direct probes of flavor-changing neutral currents in e+e− collisions (15' + 5') - Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)   (Superior A)
9:40 AM The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab (10' + 5') - Bertrand Echenard (Caltech)   (Superior A)
9:55 AM Search for Muon to Electron Conversion at J-PARC - COMET Experiment - (10' + 5') - MyeongJae Lee (Institute for Basic Science (Korea))   (Superior A)
10:10 AM The MEG experiment result and the MEG II status (10' + 5') - Luca Galli (INFN)   (Superior A)
10:25 AM The Mu3e Experiment at PSI (10' + 5') - Sandro Bravar (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Superior A)
10:40 AM Lepton flavor (universality) violation in rare kaon decays (15' + 5') - LEWIS TUNSTALL (University of Bern)   (Superior A)
9:00 AM
Accelerator: Physics, Performance, R&D and Future Facilities - Jie GAO (IHEP) (until 11:00 AM) (Superior B)
9:00 AM The status of MICE (15' + 5') - Steven Boyd (University of Warwick)   (Superior B)
9:20 AM Very low Emittance Muon Beam using positron beam on target (15' + 5') - Mario Antonelli (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))   (Superior B)
9:40 AM Study of RF Breakdown in Strong Magnetic Field (15' + 5') - Alexey Kochemirovskiy (The University of Chicago)   (Superior B)
10:00 AM High voltage electron cooling in ion colliders (15' + 5') - Maxim Bryzgunov (Budker INP)   (Superior B)
10:20 AM Options for energy frontier electron-hadron scattering at CERN (15' + 5') - Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))   (Superior B)
9:00 AM
Top Quark and Electroweak Physics - Joao Barreiro Guimaraes Da Costa (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) (until 11:10 AM) (Huron)
9:00 AM Measurement of the ZZ(*) and Zgamma production cross section at 8 TeV and 13 TeV and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Bing Zhou (University of Michigan (US))   (Huron)
9:20 AM Measurement of the WW production cross section at 8 TeV and 13 TeV and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector (13' + 2') - Samira Hassani (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   (Huron)
9:35 AM Measurement of the WZ production cross section at 8 TeV and 13 TeV and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector (13' + 2') - Christian Gutschow (TU Dresden (DE))   (Huron)
9:50 AM Multiboson production in final states with W and Z decays at CMS (15' + 5') - Rafael Coelho Lopes De Sa (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Huron)
10:10 AM Associated production of photons and other gauge bosons at CMS (15' + 5') - Joshua Milo Kunkle (University of Maryland (US))   (Huron)
10:30 AM Anomalous Higgs and Triple Gauge Couplings in the Effective Field Theory Approach (15' + 5') - Admir Greljo (University of Zurich)   (Huron)
10:50 AM QCD corrections to vector boson pair production in gluon fusion at the LHC (15' + 5') - Lorenzo Tancredi (KIT Karlsruhe)   (Huron)
9:20 AM
Dark Matter Detection -Prof. Matthew Szydagis (University at Albany, State University of New York) (until 11:00 AM) (Chicago 9)
9:20 AM Lattice Gauge Theory bounds on Composite Dark Matter (20' + 5') - Enrico Rinaldi (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)   (Chicago 9)
9:45 AM Dark Matter searches at the LHC and beyond (20' + 5') - Bjoern Penning (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))   (Chicago 9)
10:10 AM Enhancement in wino dark matter annihilation through the radiative formation of bound states (20' + 5') - Evan Johnson (The Ohio State University)   (Chicago 9)
10:35 AM Beyond the Dark matter effective field theory and a simplified model approach at colliders (20' + 5') - pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))   (Chicago 9)
11:00 AM --- Break ---
11:30 AM
Computing - Doris Kim (Soongsil University) (until 1:30 PM) (Ontario)
11:30 AM Event Reconstruction with Deep Learning (15' + 5') - Amir Farbin (University of Texas at Arlington (US))   (Ontario)
11:50 AM Fast simulation developments in CMS (15' + 5') - Sezen Sekmen (Kyungpook National University (KR))   (Ontario)
12:10 PM The Liquid Argon Software Toolkit (LArSoft): Goals, Status and Plan (15' + 5') - Ruth Pordes (Fermilab)   (Ontario)
12:30 PM Automated Reconstruction, Signal Processing and Particle Identification in DUNE (15' + 5') - Tingjun Yang (FNAL)   (Ontario)
12:50 PM The new ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation (15' + 5') - Flavia De Almeida Dias (University of Edinburgh (GB))   (Ontario)
11:30 AM
Education and Outreach - Azwinndini Muronga Kate Shaw (INFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine and ICTP Trieste) (until 1:30 PM) (Superior B)
11:30 AM "In Particular", a podcast about physics (12' + 3') - Tova Ray Holmes (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Superior B)
11:45 AM Hard to Move Science: Using travelling exhibitions to reach national audiences (12' + 3') - Mr Terry O'Connor (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Dr Clara Nellist (CERN) Dr Elizabeth Cunningham (Science and Technology Facilities Council)   (Superior B)
12:00 PM Forging New, Non-traditional Partnerships Among Physicists, Teachers and Students (12' + 3') - Ms Marjorie Bardeen (Fermilab)   (Superior B)
12:15 PM Outreach Activities in the Belle II Collaboration (12' + 3') - Prof. Toru Iijima (Nagoya University)   (Superior B)
12:30 PM Art and Science convergence at Kavli IPMU (12' + 3') - Aya Tsuboi ( The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study, )   (Superior B)
12:45 PM Neutrinos and Dark Matter in the Classroom (12' + 3') - Dr Margaret Norris (Sanford Underground Research Facility)   (Superior B)
1:00 PM Phantom of the Universe: A State-of-the-Art Planetarium Show on Dark Matter (12' + 3') - Michael Barnett (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Superior B)
1:15 PM Xraise: Empowering Minds with Science! (12' + 3') - Lora Hine (Cornell University)   (Superior B)
11:30 AM
Joint Neutrino Physics & Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology -Dr Abigail Vieregg (KICP) (until 1:35 PM) (Chicago 8)
11:30 AM Highlights from the ANTARES neutrino telescope (20' + 5') - Alexander Enzenhöfer (CPPM, Marsailles, France)   (Chicago 8)
11:55 AM Potential Sources of High-Energy Neutrinos (20' + 5') - Markus Ahlers   (Chicago 8)
12:20 PM Search for Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos with IceCube (20' + 5') - Dr Donglian Xu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)   (Chicago 8)
12:45 PM First results from two deep Askaryan Radio Array stations (20' + 5') - Dr Thomas Meures (University of Wisconsin, Madison)   (Chicago 8)
1:10 PM Particle Astrophysics with the ANITA Long Duration Balloon Payload (20' + 5') - Dr Cosmin Deaconu (UChicago/ KICP)   (Chicago 8)
11:30 AM
Joint Neutrino Physics & Detector: R&D - Elizabeth Worcester Marzio Nessi (CERN) (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 6)
11:30 AM Precision Measurements of Fundamental Interactions in the DUNE ND (15' + 2') - Prof. Sanjib Mishra (University of South Carolina)   (Chicago 6)
11:47 AM The DUNE Far Detector and ProtoDUNE (12' + 3') - Alexander Himmel (Fermilab)   (Chicago 6)
12:02 PM JUNO central detector and PMT system (12' + 3') - Zhimin Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics (Beijing))   (Chicago 6)
12:17 PM SoLid: A compact neutrino detector for very short baseline neutrino experiments (12' + 3') - Leonidas Kalousis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)   (Chicago 6)
12:32 PM Status of the STEREO experiment (15' + 5') - Stephane Zsoldos   (Chicago 6)
12:52 PM The ESS neutrino facility for CP violation discovery (15' + 5') - Marcos Dracos (IPHC/IN2P3-Strasbourg)   (Chicago 6)
11:30 AM
Beyond the Standard Model - JiJi Fan (Brown University) (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 7)
11:30 AM Combined analysis of effective Higgs portal dark matter models (15' + 5') - Prof. Anthony G Williams (CoEPP, University of Adelaide)   (Chicago 7)
11:50 AM Dark photons in the decay of Higgs-like boson (15' + 5') - Dr Gennady Kozlov (JINR)   (Chicago 7)
12:10 PM Search for dark matter in pp collisions with CMS (15' + 5') - Shin-Shan Yu (National Central University (TW))   (Chicago 7)
12:30 PM Search for dark matter in pp collisions at ATLAS (15' + 5') - Steven Randolph Schramm (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Chicago 7)
12:50 PM Dark Matter with Flavor Symmetry and its Collider Signature (15' + 5') - Alexander Natale (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)   (Chicago 7)
1:10 PM Novel Collider and Dark Matter Phenomenology of a Top-philic Z' (15' + 5') - Dr Anibal Medina (IPhT CEA Saclay)   (Chicago 7)
11:30 AM
Dark Matter Detection - William Wester (until 1:30 PM) (Chicago 9)
11:30 AM PICO Dark Matter Searches (20' + 5') - Carsten Krauss (University of Alberta)   (Chicago 9)
11:55 AM Recent results of direct dark matter search with XMASS (20' + 5') - Katsuki Hiraide (the University of Tokyo)   (Chicago 9)
12:20 PM The DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiment (20' + 5') - Pietro Giampa   (Chicago 9)
12:45 PM NEWAGE direction-sensitve direct dark matter search (20' + 5') - Prof. Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe University)   (Chicago 9)
1:10 PM Status and prospects of the NEWS-SNO experiment (15' + 5') - Alvine Kamaha (Queen's University)   (Chicago 9)
11:30 AM
Higgs Physics - Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) (until 1:50 PM) (Chicago 10)
11:30 AM Searches for double Higgs production or decay using the CMS detector (15' + 5') - Giacomo Ortona (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Chicago 10)
11:50 AM Search for di-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Tulin Varol (Southern Methodist University (US))   (Chicago 10)
12:10 PM Single Higgs production at LHC as a probe for an anomalous Higgs self coupling (15' + 5') - Dr Pier Paolo Giardino (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Chicago 10)
12:30 PM Search for invisible decay modes of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector. (15' + 5') - Monica Trovatelli (University of Victoria (CA))   (Chicago 10)
12:50 PM Search for invisible decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson using the CMS detector (15' + 5') - Nicholas Wardle (CERN)   (Chicago 10)
1:10 PM Search for high mass Higgs bosons using the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Karsten Koeneke (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (Chicago 10)
1:30 PM Searches for high-mass neutral Higgs bosons using the CMS detector (15' + 5') - Dr Benedikt Vormwald (Hamburg University (DE))   (Chicago 10)
11:30 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics - Bradley Lee Roberts (Boston University) (until 1:30 PM) (Superior A)
11:30 AM Updates from UTfit on the Unitarity Triangle and D mixing analyses (15' + 5') - Marcella Bona (Queen Mary University of London (UK))   (Superior A)
11:50 AM LHCb results on CP violation in B0_{d/s} mixing and in the interference with decays (10' + 5') - Paul Seyfert (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   (Superior A)
12:05 PM Studies of the CKM matrix with semileptonic b-hadron decays at LHCb (10' + 5') - Slavomira Stefkova (London-Imperial)   (Superior A)
12:20 PM Semileptonic $B_{(s)}$ decays to charmless final-states and determination of the CKM element $|V_{ub}|$ (10' + 5') - Cesar Beleno (University of Goettingen)   (Superior A)
12:35 PM Non-perturbative determinations of B-meson decay constants and semi-leptonic form factors (15' + 5') - Oliver Witzel (University of Edinburgh)   (Superior A)
12:55 PM Leptonic and semileptonic D decays at BESIII (10' + 5') - Ronald Poling (University of Minnesota)   (Superior A)
1:10 PM Grand unification and CP violation (15' + 5') - Prof. Jihn E. Kim (Kyung Hee University)   (Superior A)
11:30 AM
Top Quark and Electroweak Physics - Doreen Wackeroth (SUNY Buffalo) (until 1:25 PM) (Huron)
11:30 AM Fit of electroweak parameters in polarized deep-inelastic scattering using data from the H1 experiment (13' + 2') - Daniel Britzger (DESY)   (Huron)
11:45 AM Dilepton Forward-Backward Asymmetry and electroweak mixing angle at ATLAS and CMS (13' + 2') - Jiyeon Han (University of Rochester (US))   (Huron)
12:00 PM Measurements and combinations of effective weak angle in Drell-Yan di-electron and di-muon channels at CDF and D0 (15'+5') - Willis Sakumoto (University of Rochester, Rochester NY)   (Huron)
12:20 PM LHCb results on Z FB asymmetry and top cross section (13' + 2') - Xabier Cid Vidal (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)   (Huron)
12:35 PM Electroweak production of single W and Z bosons at ATLAS and CMS (13' + 2') - Marco Lisboa Leite (Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))   (Huron)
12:50 PM Combined QCD and electroweak analysis of HERA data (13' + 2') - Amanda Sarkar (University of Oxford (GB)) Amanda Sarkar (University of Oxford (GB)) amanda sarkar   (Huron)
1:05 PM Measurement of the e+e- -> pi+pi-pi0pi0 and e+e- -> pi+pi-eta cross sections and implications for the muon g-2 (15' + 5') - Roland Waldi (University of Rostock)   (Huron)
7:00 AM
Registration (until 9:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM
Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics - Emily Laura Nurse (University of London (GB)) Robert Schoefbeck (Ghent University (BE)) (until 10:45 AM) (Ontario)
9:00 AM Diffraction at the LHC (15' + 5') - Antonio Vilela Pereira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))   (Ontario)
9:20 AM exclusive production at HERA (15' + 5') - Mariusz Przybycien (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   (Ontario)
9:40 AM Hard diffraction at HERA (15' + 5') - Arthur Bolz (University of Heidelberg)   (Ontario)
10:00 AM Exclusive production at the LHC (15' + 5') - Paula Collins (CERN)   (Ontario)
10:20 AM Latest results from the LHCf Experiment (12' + 3') - Takuya Suzuki (Waseda University)   (Ontario)
10:35 AM Strangeness and light flavor production as a function of multiplicity in proton-proton collisions measured with ALICE (8' + 2') - David Dobrigkeit Chinellato (Universidade Estadual de Campinas (BR))   (Ontario)
9:00 AM
Neutrino Physics - William Detmold (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (until 10:45 AM) (Chicago 6)
9:00 AM Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions and Lattice QCD (15' + 2') - Aaron Meyer (University of Chicago)   (Chicago 6)
9:17 AM Neutrino-Interactions with nuclei and Long Baseline Experiments (15' + 3') - Ulrich Mosel (Universitaet Giessen)   (Chicago 6)
9:35 AM Model-independent determination of the axial mass parameter in quasielastic antineutrino-nucleon scattering (15' + 2') - Gil Paz (Wayne State University)   (Chicago 6)
9:52 AM Axial-Current Matrix Elements in Light Nuclei from Lattice QCD (15' + 3') - Martin Savage (Institute for Nuclear Theory)   (Chicago 6)
10:10 AM Flux and Cross-section Measurements in Minerva (18' + 2') - Mike Kordosky (College of William and Mary) Michael Kordosky (William and Mary)   (Chicago 6)
10:30 AM Measurements of Neutrino Cross-sections on Different Nuclear Targets in Minerva (13' + 2') - Julian Felix (Universidad de Guanajuato)   (Chicago 6)
9:00 AM
Beyond the Standard Model - Kiwoon Choi (KAIST) (until 10:45 AM) (Chicago 7)
9:00 AM BSM physics at CLIC (15' + 5') - Rosa Simoniello (CERN)   (Chicago 7)
9:20 AM SUSY model and dark matter determination in the compressed-spectrum region at the ILC. (15' + 5') - Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Chicago 7)
9:40 AM WIMP Searches at the International Linear Collider (15' + 5') - Moritz Habermehl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Chicago 7)
10:00 AM Naturalness and light higgsinos: a powerful reason to build ILC (15' + 5') - Dr Jenny List (DESY) Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)   (Chicago 7)
9:00 AM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Kenji Inami (Nagoya university) (until 10:45 AM) (Chicago 8)
9:00 AM Upgrades and aging of the CMS muon system (12' + 3') - Justin Pilot (University of California Davis (US))   (Chicago 8)
9:15 AM Small-Strip Thin Gap Chambers for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment (12' + 3') - Rimsky Alejandro Rojas (Federico Santa Maria Technical University (CL))   (Chicago 8)
9:30 AM Performance Studies of Large Resistive Micromegas Quadruplets in Test-Beams and High Radiation Environments (12' + 3') - Ourania Sidiropoulou (Bayerische Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))   (Chicago 8)
9:45 AM Research and Development of Commercially Manufactured Large GEM Foils (12' + 3') - Prof. Bernd Surrow (Temple University)   (Chicago 8)
10:00 AM Increasing the sensitivity of LXe TPCs to dark matter by adding helium or neon (12' + 3') - Hugh Lippincott (FNAL)   (Chicago 8)
10:15 AM Precision Calibration of Large Area Micromegas Detectors Using Cosmic Rays (12' + 3') - Philipp Jonathan Loesel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))   (Chicago 8)
10:30 AM Studies of Micro Pattern Gas Detector modules of a Large Prototype TPC for the ILC (12' + 3') - Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))   (Chicago 8)
9:00 AM
Higgs Physics - Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) (until 10:50 AM) (Chicago 9)
9:00 AM Searches for charged Higgs bosons using the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Andrea Carlo Marini (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (Chicago 9)
9:15 AM Charged Higgs boson searches with the ATLAS detector (12' + 3') - Carl Bryan Gwilliam (University of Liverpool (GB))   (Chicago 9)
9:30 AM ATLAS Higgs physics prospects at the high luminosity LHC (12' + 3') - Thomas Koffas (Carleton University (CA))   (Chicago 9)
9:45 AM Higgs physics in pp collisions at 100 TeV (20' + 5') - Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)   (Chicago 9)
10:10 AM Higgs Physics at CEPC (15' + 5') - Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   (Chicago 9)
10:30 AM Higgs physics at the LHeC and FCC-he (15' + 5') - Bruce Mellado Garcia (University of the Witwatersrand)   (Chicago 9)
9:00 AM
Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology - Jeffrey Filippini (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) (until 10:45 AM) (Chicago 10)
9:00 AM The South Pole Telescope (12' + 3') - Bradford Benson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Chicago 10)
9:15 AM Latest Results from SPTpol (12' + 3') - Jason Henning (University of Chicago)   (Chicago 10)
9:30 AM The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: recent results and future prospects (15' + 5') - Matthew Hasselfield (Princeton University (US))   (Chicago 10)
9:50 AM The Next Generation Cosmic Microwave Background Experiment, CMB-S4 (15' + 5') - Jeff McMahon (University of Michigan)   (Chicago 10)
10:10 AM Planck constraints on neutrino physics (15' + 5') - Jan Hamann   (Chicago 10)
10:30 AM Type II leptogenesis (12' + 3') - Prof. Jihn E. Kim (Kyung Hee University)   (Chicago 10)
9:00 AM
Formal Theory Developments -Dr Ivonne Zavala (Swansea University) Ruth Gregory (Durham University) (until 10:45 AM) (Superior A)
9:00 AM The fate of the Higgs Vacuum (15' + 5') - Ruth Gregory (Durham University)   (Superior A)
9:20 AM Gauge-independence of tunneling rates (15' + 5') - Carlos Tamarit (IPPP Durham)   (Superior A)
9:40 AM The Dirac Equation in Low Energy Condensed Matter Physics (15' + 5') - John Swain (Northeastern University (US))   (Superior A)
10:00 AM Extension of the CPT Theorem to non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Unstable States (15' + 5') - Prof. Philip Mannheim (University of Connecticut)   (Superior A)
10:20 AM Near-BPS Skyrme Models: recent developments (15' + 5') - Luc Marleau (Université Laval)   (Superior A)
9:00 AM
Technology Applications and Industrial Opportunities (until 10:45 AM) (Superior B)
9:00 AM Maximizing the dissemination of HEP technologies to society: the CERN model (25' + 5') - David Mazur (CERN)   (Superior B)
9:30 AM Academia and Industry cooperation for promoting advanced accelerator (20' + 5') - Masanori Matsuoka (Advance Accelerator Association Promoting Science and Technology (AAA))   (Superior B)
9:55 AM Fraunhofer IZM – Applied Research in Electronic Packaging for High Energy Physics Experiments - Ehrmann Oswin   (Superior B)
10:20 AM Technology transfer: Another contribution from High Energy Physics (20' + 5') - Haba Junji (KEK)   (Superior B)
9:00 AM
Diversity and Inclusion - Paula Eerola (University of Helsinki (FI)) Brian Nord (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) (until 10:50 AM) (Huron)
9:00 AM Introductory Remarks - Zeblon Vilakazi (U. Witwatersrand)   (Huron)
9:05 AM Ground Rules and Guidelines - Brian Nord (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Huron)
9:08 AM Project Juno: Advancing Gender Equality In Physics Careers In Higher Education In The UK - Marcella Bona (Queen Mary University of London (UK))   (Huron)
9:10 AM A New US-CERN Summer Program on ATLAS Experiment of LHC at CERN for California State University System - Yongsheng Gao (California State University (US)) Lauren Alexandra Tompkins (Stanford University (US))   (Huron)
9:12 AM The early career, gender, and diversity actions within the LHCb Collaboration - Barbara Sciascia Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol (GB))   (Huron)
9:14 AM Composition of the ATLAS Collaboration - Joleen Pater (Manchester)   (Huron)
9:26 AM Creating Inclusive Work Environments -- to break culture-cloning - Tuva Ora Herenui Richert (Lund University (SE))   (Huron)
9:38 AM Increasing diversity in science - Maria Isabel Pedraza Morales (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))   (Huron)
9:50 AM Benefits of diverse and interdisciplinary co-creation for HEP - a showcase - Daniel Dobos (CERN)   (Huron)
10:02 AM Bridge Programs as an approach to improving diversity in physics - Brian Beckford (University of Michigan)   (Huron)
10:14 AM Panel Discussion - Inclusivity in our work environments   (Huron)
10:45 AM --- Break ---
11:05 AM
Higgs Physics - Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) (until 1:00 PM) (Chicago 9)
11:05 AM Higgs physics at CLIC (15' + 5') - Strahinja Lukic (University of Belgrade (RS))   (Chicago 9)
11:25 AM probe the electroweak phase transition from the precision hZZ coupling measurement at future colliders (12' + 3') - Peisi Huang (University of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory)   (Chicago 9)
11:40 AM CEPC benchmark analyses: Higgs recoil analysis and Higgs width measurement (15' + 5') - Zhenxing Chen (Peking University & IHEP)   (Chicago 9)
12:00 PM Singlet-Catalyzed Electroweak Phase Transitions in the 100 TeV Frontier (12' + 3') - Dr Peter Winslow (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)   (Chicago 9)
12:15 PM Higgs measurements at the Future Circular Colliders (12' + 3') - David d'Enterria (CERN)   (Chicago 9)
12:30 PM Measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the ILC (20' + 5') - Jan Fridolf Strube   (Chicago 9)
11:10 AM
Diversity and Inclusion - Brian Nord (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Paula Eerola (University of Helsinki (FI)) (until 1:10 PM) (Huron)
11:10 AM Session of International Outreach and Capacity Development - Ketevi Adikle Assamagan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Huron)
11:22 AM Promoting Women in Physics in South Africa - Kate Shaw (INFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine and ICTP Trieste) Sahal Yacoob (University of Cape Town (ZA))   (Huron)
11:34 AM The early career, gender, and diversity actions within the LHCb Collaboration - Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol (GB)) Barbara Sciascia   (Huron)
11:46 AM The Masterclass of particle physics and scientific careers from the point of view of male and female students - Sandra Leone (Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))   (Huron)
11:57 AM The Davis-Bacall Scholars Program - Margaret Norris (Sanford Underground Research Facility)   (Huron)
12:08 PM Pre-College Science and Engineering for Inner-City Middle School Students - Kevin Pitts (University of Illinois)   (Huron)
12:19 PM The Cevale2ve case - Arturo Sanchez (Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Universidad de Los Andes)   (Huron)
12:30 PM Panel Discussion - Providing access to science   (Huron)
11:15 AM
Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics -Prof. Abdel Nasser Tawfik (Egyptian Center for Theoretical Physics (ECTP) and World Laboratory for Cosmology And Particle Physics (WLCAPP)) (until 1:00 PM) (Ontario)
11:15 AM Scaling behaviour of the $p_{T}$ spectra for identified hadrons in $pp$ collisions (15' + 5') - Wenchao Zhang (Shaanxi Normal University)   (Ontario)
11:35 AM Two component model for hadroproduction in high energy collisions (15' + 5') - Aleksandr Bylinkin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Moscow, Russia)   (Ontario)
11:55 AM Total, elastic and inelastic pp cross sections at the LHC (15' + 5') - Tomas Sykora (Charles University (CZ))   (Ontario)
12:15 PM Minimum bias measurements at the LHC (20' + 5') - Deepak Kar (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))   (Ontario)
12:40 PM Strange quarks in the nucleon from lattice QCD (15' + 5') - Phiala Shanahan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Ontario)
11:15 AM
Neutrino Physics - Yvonne Wong (The University of New South Wales) (until 1:00 PM) (Chicago 6)
11:15 AM Neutrino Interaction Cross Section Measurements at T2K (15' + 2') - Neil McCauley (Liverpool University)   (Chicago 6)
11:32 AM COHERENT at the Spallation Neutron Source (15' + 2') - Robert Cooper (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Chicago 6)
11:49 AM Precision Measurements with Tritium End Point Experiments (18' + 2') - Chris Tully (Princeton University (US))   (Chicago 6)
12:09 PM Search for dark matter neutrino interaction with IceCube cosmic neutrinos (15' + 2') - Ali Kheirandish (University of Wisconsin and WIPAC)   (Chicago 6)
12:26 PM Probing neutrino decay with ultra high energy neutrinos (15' + 2') - Dr Sushant Raut (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)   (Chicago 6)
12:43 PM Leptogenesis: Improving predictions for experimental searches (15' + 2') - Marco Drewes (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))   (Chicago 6)
11:15 AM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY) (until 1:00 PM) (Chicago 8)
11:15 AM Heavy-flavour jet identification at the CMS experiment for Run 2 (12' + 3') - Mauro Verzetti (University of Rochester (US))   (Chicago 8)
11:30 AM Performance of the reconstruction, calibration and identification of electrons and photons with the ATLAS detector (12' + 3') - Sarah Heim (University of Pennsylvania (US))   (Chicago 8)
11:45 AM New developments in track reconstruction for the ATLAS experiment for Run-2 of the LHC (12' + 3') - Simone Pagan Griso (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Chicago 8)
12:00 PM Performance of Missing Energy reconstruction at the CMS detector in 13 TeV data (12' + 3') - Robert Schoefbeck (Ghent University (BE))   (Chicago 8)
12:15 PM Improvement of Spatial Resolution by Selfconsistent Full Muon Track Reconstruction in Gaseous Detectors (12' + 3') - Bernhard Matthias Flierl (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))   (Chicago 8)
12:30 PM The LArIAT experiment and charged pion total interaction cross section results on liquid argon (12' + 3') - Animesh Chatterjee (HRI, INDIA)   (Chicago 8)
12:45 PM Tau Identification at CMS in Run II (12' + 3') - Isabel Ojalvo (University of Wisconsin-Madison (US))   (Chicago 8)
11:15 AM
Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology - Shirley Ho (Carnegie Mellon University (US)) (until 1:00 PM) (Chicago 7)
11:15 AM LIGO's First Observing Run: Gravitational-Wave Astronomy on the Rise (30' + 5') - Chris Pankow   (Chicago 7)
11:50 AM The Advanced LIGO detectors at the beginning of the new gravitational wave era (30' + 5') - Lisa Barsotti (MIT (US))   (Chicago 7)
12:25 PM The State of Gravitational Wave Detection with Pulsar Timing Arrays (30' + 5') - Scott Ransom (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)   (Chicago 7)
11:15 AM
Formal Theory Developments - Ruth Gregory (Durham University) (until 1:00 PM) (Superior A)
11:15 AM Sub-Leading Effects and the Field Range in Axion Inflation (15' + 5') - Dr Ivonne Zavala (Swansea University)   (Superior A)
11:35 AM Open Effective Field Theories from Integrating Out High Momenta from Inelastic Reactions (15' + 5') - Eric Braaten (Ohio State University)   (Superior A)
11:55 AM Correspondence between Solutions of Scattering Equations and Scattering Amplitudes in Four Dimensions (15' + 5') - Prof. Yong-Shi Wu (University of Utah and Fudan University) Prof. Yijian Du (Deparment of Physics, Wuhan University)   (Superior A)
12:15 PM Towards regularized higher-order computations in QFT without DREG (15' + 5') - German Sborlini (IFIC-Valencia)   (Superior A)
11:15 AM
Accelerator: Physics, Performance, R&D and Future Facilities - Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) (until 1:00 PM) (Superior B)
11:15 AM 500 GeV ILC Operating Scenarios (12' + 3') - Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))   (Superior B)
11:30 AM Status and plans of the Compact Linear Collider project (12' + 3') - Steffen Doebert (CERN) Philip Burrows (Oxford University)   (Superior B)
11:45 AM Progress towards Electron-beam Feedback at the Nanometre Level, for Linear Colliders and FELs, at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF2) at KEK (12' + 3') - Philip Burrows (Oxford University)   (Superior B)
12:00 PM STF-2 Cryomodule Performance and New Input Coupler R&D for ILC (12' + 3') - Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK)   (Superior B)
12:15 PM ILC Technical Progress and Prospect (12' + 3') - Prof. Akira Yamamoto (KEK, CERN, and LCC)   (Superior B)
12:30 PM Next Generation High Brightness Electron Beams From Ultra-High Field Cryogenic Radiofrequency Photocathode Sources (12' + 3') - James Rosenzweig (UCLA)   (Superior B)
12:45 PM Bent crystals as a tool for manipulation of ultrarelativistic electron beams (12' + 3') - Laura Bandiera (Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))   (Superior B)
11:15 AM
Technology Applications and Industrial Opportunities (until 1:00 PM) (Chicago 10)
11:15 AM Scientific contribution and Industrial applications of Photon detectors on Hamamatsu Photonics (25' + 5') - Koei Yamamoto (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K)   (Chicago 10)
11:45 AM Superconducting RF cavity system production for particle accelerators in scientific and industrial applications (20' + 5') - Michael Pekeler (RI Research Instruments GmbH)   (Chicago 10)
12:10 PM Spinning off from high energy physics: Applications of particle tracking detectors and methods in industry and society (20' + 5') - Jan Jakubek (ADVACAM)   (Chicago 10)
12:35 PM Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors and potential applications beyond Fundamental Physics (20' + 5') - Filippo Resnati (CERN)   (Chicago 10)
9:00 AM
Linear Collider Board (until 2:30 PM) (Superior A)
9:30 AM China-Chicago Connection   (Superior B)
11:00 AM
Poster Session (until 3:00 PM) (Riverwalk A/B)
11:30 AM Tevatron Reunion   (Riverwalk A/B)
9:00 AM
Formal Opening (until 9:30 AM) (Chicago Ballroom)
9:00 AM Introduction - Young-Kee Kim (University of Chicago (US))   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:05 AM Welcome remarks - Robert Zimmer (The University of Chicago) Glen Crawford (US Department of Energy) Fleming Crim (National Science Foundation)   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:30 AM
ICHEP2016 Highlights (until 10:50 AM) (Chicago Ballroom)
9:30 AM Discovery of neutrino oscillations (25' + 5') - Takaaki Kajita (U. of Toyko)   (Chicago Ballroom)
10:00 AM Exploring the warped universe: the 100 year quest to detect gravitational waves (25' + 5') - Nergis Mavalvala (MIT)   (Chicago Ballroom)
10:30 AM LHC accelerator performance (15' + 5') - Mike Lamont (CERN)   (Chicago Ballroom)
10:50 AM --- Break ---
11:15 AM
ICHEP2016 Highlights (until 12:30 PM) (Chicago Ballroom)
11:15 AM Highlights of LHC experiments - part I(22' + 5') - Dave Charlton (University of Birmingham (GB))   (Chicago Ballroom)
11:42 AM Highlights of LHC experiments - part II (22' + 5') - Tiziano Camporesi (CERN)   (Chicago Ballroom)
12:10 PM Start of SuperKEKB (15' + 5') - Yukiyoshi Onishi (KEK)   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:00 AM
Higgs, Top and Electroweak Physics (until 10:30 AM) (Chicago Ballroom)
9:00 AM Higgs Measurements (25' + 5') - Florencia Canelli (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:30 AM Top and Electroweak measurements (25' + 5') - Ulla Blumenschein (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))   (Chicago Ballroom)
10:00 AM Interpretations of results, outlook and new ideas (25' + 5') - Heather Logan (Carleton University)   (Chicago Ballroom)
10:30 AM --- Break ---
11:00 AM
Beyond the Standard Model (until 12:30 PM) (Chicago Ballroom)
11:00 AM Searches for SUSY (25' + 5') - Wolfgang Adam (HEPHY-Vienna)   (Chicago Ballroom)
11:30 AM Exotica searches (25' + 5') - Shih-Chieh Hsu (University of Washington Seattle (US))   (Chicago Ballroom)
12:00 PM Interpretations of results, outlook and new ideas (25' + 5') - Kiwoon Choi   (Chicago Ballroom)
8:30 AM
Young Scientists Awards, IUPAP-C11/ICFA Reports (until 9:50 AM) (Chicago Ballroom)
8:30 AM IUPAP-C11 report (15') - Juan Fuster Verdu (Universidad de Valencia (ES))   (Chicago Ballroom)
8:45 AM IUPAP Young Scientist Prize: Theory (15' + 5') - Stefan Hoeche (SLAC)   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:05 AM IUPAP Young Scientist Prize: Experiment (15' + 5') - Liangjian Wen (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China)   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:25 AM ICFA Report (15') - Joachim Mnich (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:40 AM Poster Prizes (5') - Maria Spiropulu (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Chicago Ballroom)
9:50 AM --- Break ---
10:20 AM
Strong Interactions, Hadron Physics & Heavy Ions (until 12:00 PM) (Chicago Ballroom)
10:20 AM Phenomenology on Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics (20' + 5') - Marina Nielsen (Universidade de São paulo)   (Chicago Ballroom)
10:45 AM Hadron Physics Overview (20' + 5') - Beijiang Liu   (Chicago Ballroom)
11:10 AM Strong Interactions Experimental Overview (20' + 5') - Halina Abramowicz (Tel Aviv University (IL))   (Chicago Ballroom)
11:35 AM Heavy Ions Overview (20' + 5') - Marco Van Leeuwen (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Chicago Ballroom)
4:00 PM
Registration (until 7:00 PM) (Registration Desk)
1:30 PM --- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
Computing - Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 4:30 PM) (Huron)
2:30 PM Data Acquisition with GPUs: The DAQ for the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment (15' + 5') - Wesley Gohn (University of Kentucky)   (Huron)
2:50 PM Fermilab HEP Cloud: an elastic computing facility for High Energy Physics. (15' + 5') - Burt Holzman (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Huron)
3:10 PM The FIFE Project at Fermilab: Computing for Experiments (15' + 5') - Dr Kenneth Richard Herner (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Huron)
3:30 PM GeantV: from CPU to accelerators (15' + 5') - Philippe Canal (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Huron)
3:50 PM Developments in Architectures and Services for using High Performance Computing in Energy Frontier Experiments (25' + 5') - Lisa Gerhardt (LBNL) Taylor Childers (Argonne National Laboratory (US))   (Huron)
2:30 PM
Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics - Emily Laura Nurse (University of London (GB)) Robert Schoefbeck (Ghent University (BE)) (until 4:30 PM) (Ontario)
2:30 PM LHCb results with vector bosons (12' + 3') - Donatella Lucchesi (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Ontario)
2:45 PM Z+jet production at NNLO (15' + 5') - Dr Alexander Huss (ETH Zurich)   (Ontario)
3:05 PM V+jets and MC modelling at the LHC (20' + 5') - Federico Sforza (CERN)   (Ontario)
3:30 PM VINCIA for Hadron Colliders (15' + 5') - Peter Skands (Monash University (AU))   (Ontario)
3:50 PM Prompt photons, diphotons and photon plus jets at hadron colliders (15' + 5') - Alessandra Lucà (INFN)   (Ontario)
4:10 PM New Approach to Hard Corrections in Precision QCD for LHC and FCC Physics (15' + 5') - Bennie Ward (Baylor University (US))   (Ontario)
2:30 PM
Neutrino Physics - Seon-Hee Seo (Seoul National University) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 6)
2:30 PM Search for Sterile Neutrino at Short Baseline using a Nuclear Reactor (15' + 3') - Dr Yoomin Oh (Institute for Basic Science)   (Chicago 6)
2:48 PM PROSPECT: A Short-baseline Reactor Precision Spectrum and Oscillation Experiment (15' + 3') - Michael Mendenhall (National Institute of Standards and Technology)   (Chicago 6)
3:06 PM SoLid: Search for Oscillations with a Lithium-6 Detector at the SCK•CEN BR2 reactor (15' + 3') - Dan Saunders (Bristol)   (Chicago 6)
3:24 PM SOX : Short Distance Neutrino Oscillations with Borexino (15' + 3') - Birgit Neumair (Technical University of Munich)   (Chicago 6)
3:42 PM Status of the MicroBooNE Experiment (15' + 3') - Dr Jyoti Joshi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Chicago 6)
4:00 PM Neutrino-argon interactions in MicroBooNE (10' + 2') - Xiao Luo (Yale)   (Chicago 6)
4:12 PM How to make the short baseline sterile neutrino compatible with cosmology (15' + 3') - Rasmus Sloth Lundkvist (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)   (Chicago 6)
2:30 PM
Beyond the Standard Model - Kiwoon Choi (KAIST) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 7)
2:30 PM Supersymmetry versus Extra Dimensions at the LHC (15' + 5') - Prof. Satyanarayan Nandi (Oklahoma State University)   (Chicago 7)
2:50 PM Search for supersymmetry with diphotons in pp collisions at 13 TeV with CMS (15' + 5') - Si Xie (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Chicago 7)
3:10 PM Searches for SUSY in photons and tau channels with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Bruce Andrew Schumm (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Chicago 7)
3:30 PM Imposing LHC constraints on the combined Anomaly and $Z^\prime$ Mediation Mechanism of Supersymmetry Breaking (15' + 5') - Joydeep Roy (Wayne State University)   (Chicago 7)
3:50 PM Naturalizing Supersymmetry with a Two-Field Relaxion Mechanism (15' + 5') - Prof. Jason Evans (Korean Institute for Advanced Study)   (Chicago 7)
4:10 PM Searches for R-Parity violating SUSY with the ATLAS detector (15' + 5') - Suen Hou (Academia Sinica (TW))   (Chicago 7)
2:30 PM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Kenji Inami (Nagoya university) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 8)
2:30 PM The ATLAS Dataflow system in Run-2: Design and Performance (12' + 3') - Othmane Rifki (University of Oklahoma (US))   (Chicago 8)
2:45 PM The Fast Interaction Trigger Upgrade for ALICE (12' + 3') - Prof. Edmundo Garcia-Solis (Chicago State University (US))   (Chicago 8)
3:00 PM The CMS Level-1 Trigger for LHC Run II (12' + 3') - Alex Tapper (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))   (Chicago 8)
3:15 PM A level-1 pixel based track trigger for the CMS upgrade (12' + 3') - Chang-Seong Moon (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))   (Chicago 8)
3:30 PM The ATLAS Run-2 Trigger: Design, Menu, Performance and Operational Aspects (12' + 3') - Joana Machado Miguens (University of Pennsylvania (US))   (Chicago 8)
3:45 PM Overview of the ATLAS Fast Tracker Project (12' + 3') - Lucian Stefan Ancu (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Chicago 8)
4:00 PM The Upgrade of the ATLAS Electron and Photon Triggers for LHC Run 2 and their Performance (12' + 3') - Fernando Monticelli (Universidad Nacional de La Plata (AR))   (Chicago 8)
4:15 PM Data acquisition and online control system for new gas-electron multiplier detectors in the endcap muon system of the CMS experiment (12' + 3') - Dr Jose David Ruiz Alvarez (Universidad de los Andes (CO))   (Chicago 8)
2:30 PM
Dark Matter Detection - Young-Im Kim (Institute for Basic Science) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 9)
2:30 PM IAXO, next-generation of helioscopes (15' + 5') - Dr Jaime Ruz Armendariz (LLNL) Maurizio Giannotti (Barry University) Dr Maurizio Giannotti   (Chicago 9)
2:50 PM CULTASK, the Coldest Axion Experiment at CAPP/IBS in Korea (15' + 5') - Dr Chung Woohyun (CAPP/IBS)   (Chicago 9)
3:10 PM ADMX Status (30' + 10') - Ian Stern (University of Florida)   (Chicago 9)
3:50 PM Single Microwave Photon Detectors for ADMX (15' + 5') - Dr Aaron Chou (Fermilab)   (Chicago 9)
4:10 PM Status of the ADMX-HF Dark Matter Axion Search (15' + 5') - Maria Simanovskaia (University of California, Berkeley)   (Chicago 9)
2:30 PM
Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology - Karen Byrum (Argonne National Lab) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 10)
2:30 PM VERITAS Observations of the Galactic Center (15' + 5') - Amanda Weinstein (Iowa State University)   (Chicago 10)
2:50 PM Multimessenger studies with the VERITAS Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (15' + 5') - Marcos Santander (Barnard College, Columbia University)   (Chicago 10)
3:10 PM Measurement of the Cosmic-ray Electron Spectrum with VERITAS (15' + 5') - David Staszak (University of Chicago)   (Chicago 10)
3:30 PM Observation of Galactic Cosmic Rays and Gamma Rays with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (15' + 5') - Segev BenZvi (University of Rochester)   (Chicago 10)
3:50 PM Searches for Dark Matter and Primordial Black Holes with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-ray Observatory (15' + 5') - Kirsten Anne Tollefson (Michigan State University (US))   (Chicago 10)
4:10 PM Fundamental physics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (15' + 5') - Prof. Justin Vandenbroucke (University of Wisconsin)   (Chicago 10)
2:30 PM
Heavy Ions - Matthew Nguyen (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 4:30 PM) (Superior B)
2:30 PM Anisotropic flow and related phenomena in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE (15' + 5') - Jacopo Margutti (Utrecht University (NL))   (Superior B)
2:50 PM Recent results on collective effects in small systems from PHENIX at RHIC (15' + 5') - Sarah Campbell (PHENIX)   (Superior B)
3:10 PM Correlations in small systems with ALICE (15' + 5') - Igor Lakomov (CERN)   (Superior B)
3:30 PM Anomalous Chiral Transport in Heavy Ion Collisions (15' + 5') - Jinfeng Liao (Indiana University)   (Superior B)
3:50 PM Measurements of flow and correlation phenomena in pp, pPb and PbPb collisions at CMS (15' + 5') - Sandra Padula (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))   (Superior B)
4:10 PM Measurement of the ridge correlations in pp and pPb collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC (15' + 5') - Anne Marie Sickles (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))   (Superior B)
2:30 PM
Accelerator: Physics, Performance, R&D and Future Facilities - Katsunobu Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 4:30 PM) (Superior A)
2:30 PM Will there be energy frontier colliders after LHC? (15' + 5') - Vladimir Shiltsev (Fermilab)   (Superior A)
2:50 PM Muon storage for the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab (15' + 5') - Vladimir Tishchenko (BNL)   (Superior A)
3:10 PM Advanced Controls for Particle Accelerators (15' + 5') - Auralee Edelen (Colorado State University)   (Superior A)
3:30 PM Superconducting technology for future HEP particle accelerators: opportunities and challenges (15' + 5') - Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermilab)   (Superior A)
3:50 PM Recomissioning and Perspectives of VEPP-2000 e+e- Collider (15' + 5') - Dmitry Shwartz (BINP)   (Superior A)
4:10 PM Performance and Perspective of Beijing Electron Positron Collider (15' + 5') - Prof. QING QIN (IHEP)   (Superior A)
4:30 PM --- Break ---
5:00 PM
Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics - Xiaoyan Shen (Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN)) (until 7:00 PM) (Ontario)
5:00 PM Hadron spectroscopy at BES-III (15' + 5') - Shan JIN (IHEP)   (Ontario)
5:20 PM Results from e+e- collisions at BESIII (15' + 5') - Ryan Mitchell (Indiana University)   (Ontario)
5:40 PM Production of exotic hadrons and charmonium at Belle/Babar (12' + 3') - Kay Kinoshita (Cincinnati)   (Ontario)
5:55 PM Charmonia and bottomomia decays at Belle/Babar (12' + 3') - Bob Kowalewski (University of Victoria (CA))   (Ontario)
6:10 PM Excited heavy mesons from lattice QCD (15' + 5') - Dr Christopher Thomas (University of Cambridge)   (Ontario)
6:30 PM Measurement of the Collins asymmetries as a function of energy and transverse momentum for kaons and pions at BABAR (8' + 2') - Georges Vasseur (CEA)   (Ontario)
5:00 PM
Neutrino Physics - Seon-Hee Seo (Seoul National University) (until 7:00 PM) (Chicago 6)
5:00 PM Results from the Search for eV-Sterile Neutrinos with IceCube (15' + 5') - Dr Carlos Argüelles (MIT)   (Chicago 6)
5:20 PM Sterile Neutrino Searches with MINOS/MINOS+ (15' + 5') - Dr Leigh Whitehead (UCL)   (Chicago 6)
5:40 PM The Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Oscillation Program at Fermilab (15' + 5') - Matthew Bass (University of Oxford)   (Chicago 6)
6:00 PM Searching for a Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF: JSNS^2 experiment (15' + 5') - Prof. Takasumi Maruyama (KEK)   (Chicago 6)
6:20 PM Opportunities With Decay-At-Rest Neutrinos From Decay-In-Flight Neutrino Beams (15' + 5') - Christopher Grant (UC Davis)   (Chicago 6)
6:40 PM The front-end of IsoDAR (15' + 5') - Spencer Axani (MIT)   (Chicago 6)
5:00 PM
Beyond the Standard Model - JiJi Fan (Brown University) (until 7:00 PM) (Chicago 7)
5:00 PM Lighting up Collider Searches for Electroweak States (15' + 5') - Ahmed Ismail (Argonne National Laboratory/University of Illinois at Chicago)   (Chicago 7)
5:20 PM Prospects for SUSY DM after the LHC Run 1 (15' + 5') - Rick Cavanaugh (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))   (Chicago 7)
5:40 PM Studies of dark sector at Belle & Becays involving tau (15' + 5') - Gianluca Inguglia (DESY)   (Chicago 7)
6:00 PM Lepton Jets from Radiating Dark Matter (15' + 5') - Jia Liu (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)   (Chicago 7)
6:20 PM A simplified model for dark matter interacting primarily with gluons. (15' + 5') - Gaurav Mendiratta (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,India)   (Chicago 7)
6:40 PM The TREK-E36 Search for New Physics at J-PARC (15' + 5') - Michael Kohl (Hampton University)   (Chicago 7)
5:00 PM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY) (until 7:15 PM) (Chicago 8)
5:00 PM The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment (12' + 3') - Antonio Paladino (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Chicago 8)
5:15 PM Silicon pixel R&D for CLIC (12' + 3') - Dominik Dannheim (CERN)   (Chicago 8)
5:30 PM The LHCb VELO Upgrade (12' + 3') - Stefano De Capua (University of Manchester (GB))   (Chicago 8)
5:45 PM The Phase-1 Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector (12' + 3') - Petra Merkel (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Chicago 8)
6:00 PM First testbeam results of prototype modules for the upgrade of the ATLAS strip tracking detector (12' + 3') - Susanne Kuehn (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (Chicago 8)
6:15 PM Upgrade of the CMS Tracker for the HL-LHC (12' + 3') - Georg Auzinger (CERN)   (Chicago 8)
6:30 PM The upgraded Pixel Detector of the ATLAS experiment for Run-2 at the Large Hadron collider. (12' + 3') - Mapo Giordani (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT))   (Chicago 8)
6:45 PM A High Resolution Fine Grained Tracker as the Reference Near Detector for DUNE (12' + 3') - Bipul Bhuyan (IIT Guwahati)   (Chicago 8)
7:00 PM 3 Dimensional Stacked Pixel Detector and Sensor Technology Using less than 3-μmφ Robust Bump Junctions (12' + 3') - Makoto Motoyoshi (Tohoku-MincroTec Co., Ltd (T-Micro))   (Chicago 8)
5:00 PM
Dark Matter Detection -Dr Aaron Chou (Fermilab) (until 7:00 PM) (Chicago 9)
5:00 PM Searching for Dark Matter Using the NOvA Upward-going Muon Trigger (15' + 5') - Aristeidis Tsaris (Fermilab)   (Chicago 9)
5:20 PM Search for Dark Forces with KLOE (15' + 5') - Francesca Curciarello   (Chicago 9)
5:40 PM The Heavy Photon Search experiment at Jefferson Lab (15' + 5') - Dr Greg Kalicy (ODU/JLab)   (Chicago 9)
6:00 PM The PADME experiment at DAFNE Linac (15' + 5') - Mauro Raggi (LNF INFN) Paolo Valente (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (Chicago 9)
6:20 PM New methods to search for DM candidates (15' + 5') - Dr Carol Scarlett (Florida A&M University)   (Chicago 9)
6:40 PM STAX: a new technique for detecting Axions (15' + 5') - Paolo Spagnolo (Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))   (Chicago 9)
5:00 PM
Higgs Physics - Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) (until 7:00 PM) (Chicago 10)
5:00 PM Tools for Higgs Boson Properties with the JHUGen / MELA Framework (15' + 5') - Dr Meng Xiao (Johns Hopkins University (US))   (Chicago 10)
5:20 PM Constraints on the Standard Model dimension 6 effective Lagrangian with HEPfit (15' + 5') - Dr Jorge de Blas (INFN Rome)   (Chicago 10)
5:40 PM SMEFT, a theory for SM deviations (15' + 5') - Prof. Giampiero Passarino (Torino University)   (Chicago 10)
6:00 PM Higgs productions in the gluon fusion channel: a complete EFT analysis (15' + 5') - Ayan Paul (INFN, Sezione di Roma)   (Chicago 10)
6:20 PM Higgs off-shell effects at NLO (15' + 5') - Raoul Rontsch (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Chicago 10)
6:40 PM Role of low-energy observables in precision Higgs boson analyses (15' + 5') - Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)   (Chicago 10)
5:00 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics - Bradley Lee Roberts (Boston University) (until 7:00 PM) (Superior A)
5:00 PM Correlating new physics signals in flavor physics and possible impact for collider experiments (15' + 5') - Amarjit Soni (BNL)   (Superior A)
5:20 PM The Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab (20' + 5') - Chris Polly (Fermilab)   (Superior A)
5:45 PM Computing Hadronic Light by Light Contributions to Muon g-2 on Lattice with Physical Pions (15' + 5') - Luchang Jin   (Superior A)
6:05 PM Measurement of hadronic cross-sections with CMD-3 at VEPP-2000 (10' + 5') - Dr Ivan Logashenko (BINP)   (Superior A)
6:20 PM A precise first-principles computation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (15' + 5') - Christoph Lehner   (Superior A)
6:40 PM Lattice calculation of the HVP contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon (15' + 5') - bipasha chakraborty (University of Glasgow)   (Superior A)
5:00 PM
Heavy Ions - Zvi Citron (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL)) (until 7:00 PM) (Superior B)
5:00 PM Heavy Flavor Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at CMS (15' + 5') - Jian Sun (Purdue University (US))   (Superior B)
5:20 PM Quarkonium and open heavy-flavor production in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC (15' + 5') - Ionut Cristian Arsene (University of Oslo (NO))   (Superior B)
5:40 PM What lattice QCD spectral functions can tell us about heavy quarkonium in the QGP (15' + 5') - Alexander Rothkopf (Heidelberg University)   (Superior B)
6:00 PM Tranverse Momentum Distribution in Quarkonium Photoproduction in pp and AA Collisions at the LHC (15' + 5') - Prof. Maria Beatriz Gay Ducati (UFRGS)   (Superior B)
6:20 PM Heavy flavor measurements at STAR (15' + 5') - Hao Qiu (LBNL, CA (US))   (Superior B)
6:40 PM Charmonium and bottomonium spectral functions and the heavy quark diffusion coefficient from lattice QCD (15' + 5') - Dr Hiroshi Ohno (Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba)   (Superior B)
5:00 PM
Top Quark and Electroweak Physics - Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva (CERN) (until 7:00 PM) (Huron)
5:00 PM Single Top quark production cross section using the ATLAS detector at the LHC (15' + 5') - Sebastian Mergelmeyer (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (DE))   (Huron)
5:20 PM Single top quark production measurements in CMS (15' + 5') - Hamed Bakhshiansohi (CP3, UCL)   (Huron)
5:40 PM Top physics at CLIC and ILC (15' + 5') - Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw)   (Huron)
6:00 PM Top physics in pp collisions at 100 TeV (15' + 5') - Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)   (Huron)
6:20 PM Top, EW and BSM physics at the LHeC and FCC-he (15' + 5') - Christian Schwanenberger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Huron)
8:00 PM
DOE - PI Meetings (until 9:30 PM) (Chicago 9)
8:00 PM Cosmic Frontier - Kathy Turner   (Chicago 9)
8:00 PM
DOE - PI Meetings (until 9:30 PM) (Chicago 8)
8:00 PM Energy Frontier - Abid Patwa   (Chicago 8)
1:30 PM --- Lunch ---
1:40 PM Lunch & Learn: Engaging the public, how to make an impact.   (Chicago 6)
1:45 PM
DOE - PI Meetings (until 2:30 PM) (Chicago 8)
1:45 PM Civics - Michael Cooke   (Chicago 8)
2:25 PM
Higgs Physics - Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute/Cincinnati University) Kirill Prokofiev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 9)
2:25 PM Phenomenology of sequestered mass generation (15' + 5') - Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)   (Chicago 9)
2:45 PM New Signatures of Flavor Violating Higgs Couplings (15' + 5') - Xiaoping Wang (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)   (Chicago 9)
3:05 PM Search for non-standard and rare decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector. (15' + 5') - Davide Gerbaudo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))   (Chicago 9)
3:25 PM Search for exotic decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson using the CMS detector (15' + 5') - Maria Cepeda Hermida (CERN)   (Chicago 9)
3:45 PM Search for the decay of the Higgs boson into two nMSSM pseudo-scalar particles. (12' + 3') - Lidija Zivkovic (Institute of physics Belgrade (RS))   (Chicago 9)
4:00 PM Searches for low-mass neutral Higgs bosons using the CMS detector (12' + 3') - Camilo Andres Carrillo Montoya (CERN)   (Chicago 9)
4:15 PM Simplified Models for Higgs Physics: Singlet Scalar and Vector-like Quark Phenomenology (12' + 3') - Dr Thomas Rizzo (SLAC)   (Chicago 9)
2:30 PM
Computing - Randy Sobie (University of Victoria (CA)) (until 4:30 PM) (Huron)
2:30 PM CMS software and computing for LHC Run 2 (15' + 5') - Kenneth Bloom (University of Nebraska (US))   (Huron)
2:50 PM Prompt physics analysis from the trigger candidates at LHCb: strategy and new dedicated "TURBO" and PID calibration streams (20' + 5') - Barbara Sciascia   (Huron)
3:15 PM QEX: a framework for lattice field theories (15' + 5') - Xiao-Yong Jin (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Huron)
3:35 PM Managing Asynchronous Data in ATLAS's Concurrent Framework (15' + 5') - Charles Leggett (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Huron)
3:55 PM Novel real-time calibration and alignment at LHCb for RunII (20' + 5') - Roel Aaij (CERN)   (Huron)
2:30 PM
Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics - Emily Laura Nurse (University of London (GB)) Robert Schoefbeck (Ghent University (BE)) (until 4:30 PM) (Ontario)
2:30 PM W and Z inclusive and differential cross sections at ATLAS (20' + 5') - Mykhailo Lisovyi (PI Heidelberg University (DE))   (Ontario)
2:55 PM W and Z inclusive and differential cross sections at CMS (20' + 5') - Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University (US))   (Ontario)
3:20 PM Z boson asymmetry and strangeness at D0 (8' + 2') - Braden Keim Abbott (University of Oklahoma (US))   (Ontario)
3:30 PM Multi-jets at the LHC (15' + 5') - Hans Van Haevermaet (University of Antwerp (BE))   (Ontario)
3:50 PM Inclusive jets, dijets and heavy flavour jets at the LHC (15' + 5') - Claire Gwenlan (University of Oxford (GB))   (Ontario)
4:10 PM PDFs and hard QCD at HERA (15' + 5') - Vladimir Chekelian (MPI for Physics, Munich)   (Ontario)
2:30 PM
Neutrino Physics - Francesc Monrabal (University of Texas at Arlington) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 6)
2:30 PM Nuclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (15' + 5') - Jonathan Engel (University of North Carolina)   (Chicago 6)
2:50 PM Results and Status from KamLAND-Zen (15' + 5') - Jonathan Ouellet (MIT)   (Chicago 6)
3:10 PM Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with the GERDA experiment: Phase II (15' + 5') - Jozsef Janicsko Csathy (Technische Unversitat Munchen)   (Chicago 6)
3:30 PM Recent Results and Status of EXO-200 and the nEXO Experiment (15' + 5') - Caio Licciardi (nEXO)   (Chicago 6)
3:50 PM Results of CUORE-0 and Prospects of the CUORE Experiment (15' + 5') - Kyungeun Lim (Yale University)   (Chicago 6)
4:10 PM Status of the AMORE double beta decay experiment (15' + 5') - HongJoo Kim (Kyungpook National University)   (Chicago 6)
2:30 PM
Beyond the Standard Model - Bruce Mellado Garcia (University of the Witwatersrand) Seema Sharma (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IN)) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 7)
2:30 PM Electroweak scale exotica with LHCb (15' + 5') - Pieter David (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   (Chicago 7)
2:50 PM Composite Higgs Models and Lattice Simulations (15' + 5') - Ethan Neil (University of Colorado, Boulder)   (Chicago 7)
3:10 PM Search for new resonances involving Higgs, W or Z boson at CMS (15' + 5') - Salvatore Rappoccio (State University of New York (US))   (Chicago 7)
3:30 PM Search for new resonances involving a photon, Higgs, W or Z boson n pp collisions at 13 TeV at ATLAS (15' + 5') - Nikos Konstantinidis (University College London (UK))   (Chicago 7)
3:50 PM Constraining composite Higgs models with direct and indirect searches (15' + 5') - Christoph Niehoff (Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich)   (Chicago 7)
4:10 PM Limits on the effective quark radius from inclusive ep scattering & contact interactions at HERA (15' + 5') - Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw)   (Chicago 7)
2:30 PM
Detector: R&D and Performance - Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 8)
2:30 PM The R&D of 20 inch MCP-PMTs in China (12' + 3') - shulin Liu   (Chicago 8)
2:45 PM Pico-second Precise Photo-detectors for Particle Identification and Photon Vertex Identification (12' + 3') - David Cussans (University of Bristol (GB))   (Chicago 8)
3:00 PM Pilot Production of Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors (12' + 3') - Michael Minot (Incom Inc.)   (Chicago 8)
3:15 PM MCP-PMT photodetectors in Cryogenic Environment (12' + 3') - Ranjan Dharmapalan (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Chicago 8)
3:30 PM Production and Testing of a Low-Cost Precision Timing Microchannel Plate Photodetector (12' + 3') - Jingbo Wang (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Chicago 8)
3:45 PM Creation of economical and robust large area MCPs by ALD method for photodetectors (12' + 3') - anil mane   (Chicago 8)
4:00 PM An Indium Solder Flat Seal for the Assembly of Large-Area Planar MCP-based Detectors Without Vacuum Transfer of the Window (12' + 3') - Andrey Elagin (University of Chicago)   (Chicago 8)
4:15 PM Photocathodes with VUV-UV-Vis full range response for fast timing and imaging applications (12' + 3') - Junqi Xie (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Chicago 8)
2:30 PM
Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology - Bradford Benson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) (until 4:30 PM) (Chicago 10)
2:30 PM SPIDER: Exploring the dawn of time from above the clouds and News from BICEP/Keck Array CMB program(35' + 5') - Jeffrey Filippini (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)   (Chicago 10)
3:10 PM Constraining Inflation and Neutrino Mass with CLASS (15' + 5') - Tobias Marriage (Johns Hopkins)   (Chicago 10)
3:30 PM Cosmology and particle physics with POLARBEAR and Simons Array (15' + 5') - MASAYA HASEGAWA (KEK)   (Chicago 10)
3:50 PM Constraining inflation with dark matter (15' + 5') - Layne Price (Carnegie Mellon University)   (Chicago 10)
4:10 PM Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition with Colliders and Gravitational Waves (15' + 5') - Andrew Long (University of Chicago)   (Chicago 10)
2:30 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics - Aida El-Khadra (UIUC) (until 4:30 PM) (Superior A)
2:30 PM Physics potential and prospects at SuperKEKB/Belle II (10' + 5') - Bryan FULSOM (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)   (Superior A)
2:45 PM Neutral $B_{(s)}$-mixing matrix elements from lattice QCD for the Standard Model and beyond (15' + 5') - Ruth Van de Water (Fermilab)   (Superior A)
3:05 PM Mixing and CP-violation in the Bd and Bs systems at ATLAS (10' + 5') - Andrew Mark Wharton (Lancaster University (GB))   (Superior A)
3:20 PM Direct CP violation in K-> pi pi decays and supersymmetry (15' + 5') - Ulrich Nierste (KIT)   (Superior A)
3:40 PM Current status of $\epsilon_K$ in lattice QCD (15' + 5') - Weonjong Lee (Seoul National University)   (Superior A)
4:00 PM Measurement of the CKM angle γ at LHCb (10' + 5') - Sneha Sirirshkumar Malde (University of Oxford (GB))   (Superior A)
4:15 PM Prospects for the determination of the CKM angle gamma from Dalitz plot analysis of B+- -> D K+- pi0 decays (10' + 5') - Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB))   (Superior A)