3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

The Fermilab Test Beam Facility (15' + 5')

5 Aug 2016, 09:40
Chicago 8

Chicago 8

Oral Presentation Detector: R&D and Performance Detector: R&D and Performance


Mandy Rominsky (Fermilab)


The Fermilab Test Beam Facility is a world class facility for testing and characterizing particle detectors. The facility has been in operation since 2005 and has undergone significant upgrades in the last two years. A second beam line with cryogenic support has been added and the facility has adopted a unified data acquisition system. The facility also recently added a cosmic telescope test stand and improved tracking capabilities. With two operational beam lines, the facility can deliver a variety of particle types and momenta ranging from 120 GeV protons in the primary beam line down to 200 MeV particles in the tertiary beam line. In addition, recent work has focused on analyzing the beam structure to provide users with information on the data they are collecting. With these improvements, the Fermilab Test Beam facility is one of the most versatile test beams in the world, capable of supporting High Energy physics applications as well as industry users. The upgrades will be discussed along with plans for future improvements.


Mandy Rominsky (Fermilab)

Presentation materials