Steven Randolph Schramm
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
Hadronic decays of heavy particles with momenta much larger than their mass result in their
decay products being reconstructable as a single largeradius jet. The study of the
substructure of these jets allows the separation of these boosted decays with respect to
more common jets from lightquarks and gluons. Several techniques have been developed
by the phenomenology and experimental community to identify jets coming from hadronic
decays of boosted top quarks, W, Z and Higgs bosons. The performance of several such
techniques have been studied in ATLAS using fullysimulated Monte Carlo events, and
validated on data using pure samples of top quarks, W bosons from top decays and dijet
events. Results of these studies will be presented for Run 1 as well as Run 2 of the LHC.
ATLAS Collaboration