3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Recent progress with very forward calorimeters for linear colliders (12' + 3')

4 Aug 2016, 11:45
Chicago 8

Chicago 8

Oral Presentation Detector: R&D and Performance Detector: R&D and Performance


Oleksandr Borysov (Tel Aviv University (IL))


This talk will summarize recent R&D developments for very compact calorimeters designed for precise luminosity measurement (LumiCal) and beam monitoring (BeamCal) in the very-forward region of future linear colliders. Silicon pad sensors for LumiCal have been equipped with modern read-out electronics and tested in the laboratory. Ultra-compact assemblies of these sensors, with only 1 mm spacing between tungsten absorber plates, have been developed. This stack has been exposed to few-GeV electron and muon test beams at CERN and DESY. First results on shower development in such a compact stack are presented and compared to Geant4 simulations.

Presentation materials