3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
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Search for $CP$ violation in $D$ decays to radiative and hadronic decays (10' + 5')

4 Aug 2016, 09:50
Superior A

Superior A

Sheraton Grand Chicago 301 East Water Street Chicago IL 60611 USA
Oral Presentation Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics


Nibedita Dash (IIT Bhubaneswar)


Enhancement of branching fraction and $CP$ violation in $D$ decays would represent a signal of physics beyond the Standard Model. Using the large data sample accumulated by the Belle experiment at KEKB asymmetric energy $e^+ e^−$ collider, we present the results for search for rare $D$ decays such as $D^0 \to \gamma\gamma$, along with the search for $CP$ violation in $D^0 \to V \gamma$ ($V$ = light vector meson) and $D^0 \to K_S^0 K_S^0$.

Presentation materials