3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
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The sPHENIX Experiment at RHIC (15' + 5')

5 Aug 2016, 15:50
Superior B

Superior B

Oral Presentation Heavy Ions Heavy Ions


Abhisek Sen (Georgia State University)


sPHENIX is a proposal for a second generation experiment at RHIC capable of measuring jets, jet correlations and upsilons to determine the temperature dependence of transport coefficients of the quark-gluon plasma using electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry and precision tracking. The physics program focuses on systematic measurements near the transition temperature at RHIC with a detector capable of acquiring a huge sample of events in A+A, p+A and p+p collisions with a large acceptance spectrometer and a high-rate data acquisition. Key measurements enabled by the new detector, progress on the realization of the apparatus, and possibilities for future enhancements to it, will be described.

Presentation materials