Nathan Grau
Much of our understanding of the properties of strongly-coupled quark gluon
plasma depend on measurements of particle jets from hard-scattering of
nucleons in ion-ion▒collisions.▒ Measurements of jet and particle yields
as a function of transverse momentum and collision centrality have shown
strong path-length-dependent energy loss of partons traversing the medium.▒
Recently, measurements of jets in small systems at RHIC and the LHC have
challenged traditional models of parton energy loss.▒To further
understand these results, the dependence of jet yields on initial geometry
must be explored. This talk will present measurements of fully-reconstructed
jets in p+Au, d+Au, He3+Au, and Cu+Au collisions using the PHENIX detector
at RHIC.
Gabor David
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)