3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
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Spectral measurment of theta13 and |dm_ee^2| at RENO (15' + 5')

4 Aug 2016, 12:10
Chicago 6

Chicago 6

Oral Presentation Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Dr Jun-Ho Choi (Dongshin University)


The Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation(RENO) has been taking data since August 2011 using two identical detectors. In 2012 RENO has unambiguously measured the smallest neutrino mixing angle theta13 using 220 days data. In this talk, we report our new results with a larger data set and improved systematics using ~500 days data. They are a more precisely measured value of sin^2 (2theta_13) = 0.082 +- 0.009 (Stat.) +- 0.006 (Syst.) and our first measured value of |Delta m^2_ee| = 2.62 +0.21 -0.23 (Stat.) +0.12 -0.13 (Syst.) (X 10^-3 eV^2) based on a spectral analysis. Most improvement in the systematic error comes from the reduction of Li/He background uncertainty. We also report the result on the 5 MeV excess in the observed reactor neutrino spectrum.

Primary author

Dr Jun-Ho Choi (Dongshin University)


Mr Ba-Ro Kim (Chonnam National University) Mr Chang-Dong Shin (Chonnam National University) Mr Dong-Ha Lee (Seoul National University) Dr Eun-Joo Jeon (Institute for Basic Science) Prof. Han-Il Jang (Seoyeong University) Dr Hyun-Kwan Seo (Seoul National University) Prof. Hyun-Soo Kim (Sejong University) Prof. In-Gon Park (Gyeongsang National University) Mr In-Sung Yeo (Chonnam National University) Prof. In-Tack Lim (Chonnam National University) Prof. In-Tae Yu (Sungkyunkwan University) Prof. Jae-Yool Kim (Chonnam National University) Mr Jang-Hee Yang (Sungkyunkwan University) Dr Ji-Seung Jang (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) Dr Jung-Sik Park (Seoul National University) Prof. Kyung-Kwang Joo (Chonnam National University) Prof. Myoung-Yul Pac (Dongshin University) Mr Ryoung-Gyun Park (Chonnam National University) Mr Sang-Yong Kim (Seoul National University) Seon-Hee Seo (Seoul National University) Prof. Siyeon Kim (Chung Ang University) Prof. Soo-Bong Kim (Seoul National University) Dr Won-Qook Choi (Seoul National University) Prof. Woo-Young Kim (Kyungpook National University) Mr Yong-Gun Seon (Kyungpook National University) Prof. Yong-Il Choi (Sungkyunkwan University) Prof. Young-Duck Kim (Institute for Basic Science) Mr Young-Joo Ko (Chung Ang University)

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