Alireza Kokabi
(School of Particles and Accelerator Inst. for Res. in Fundam. S)
For the CMS and TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer Project, a firmware that controls the digital readout board was designed to perform the data readout from the front-end electronics of the Quartz Timing Cherenkov Detectors and the Diamond Detectors. Since the readout board and the corresponding FPGA is Rad-Hard, the firmware is designed to be protected with a Triple Module Redundancy. The firmware is required to reformat the data packets and transmits the information to the CMS and the TOTEM data acquisition systems via optical data links or USB interface. A dual-bus FIFO is introduced to enable data streams between the HPTDC input and reformatting block. The firmware offers to set threshold voltage for the multi-channel analogue discriminator and bias voltage for the timing detectors, and to monitor the board temperature in the DAQ system. For the test purposes, the firmware is able to communicate through test-specified extension data links by the defined time-modulated dual-direction protocol. The firmware has been designed to be capable of handling HPTDC digitizers for high-resolution time measurement of the leading and trailing edges of hit pulses with the resolution of 10 - 20 ps at 80 MHz event rates. To facilitate fast data reformatting an internal adder with maximum frequency of 320 MHz is also implemented.
Alireza Kokabi
(School of Particles and Accelerator Inst. for Res. in Fundam. S)