Mary Anne Cummings
(Muons, Inc.)
The recent hint of a possible observation of a peak in the two photon data at the LHC could be an indication of new physics. There may be several interpretations of what this alleged new physics could be. One possible explanation could be the heavy Higgs partner to the standard model Higgs. A heavy electron collider would be a unique machine to study the heavy Higgs since it could be produced in the S-channel with a large cross section. This paper would discuss the physics possibilities of a heavy Higgs including how a heavy electron collider could be a unique tool to study the possible CP degenerate states of the H and A. Also the paper will review the status of the accelerator physics of a muon collider. A discussion of the heavy electron collider backgrounds and how they can be addressed will also be presented.
Mary Anne Cummings
(Muons, Inc.)
Stephen Kahn
(Muons, Inc.)