Mary Anne Cummings
(Muons, Inc.)
The two primary goals of an upgraded Mu2e experiment will be to provide at least an order of magnitude increase in the total number of stopped muons produced and to accommodate different stopping target materials to probe A and Z dependencies of muon conversion. The current Mu2e design uses an 8 GeV proton beam, while the proton economics of future Fermilab sources implies using an 800 MeV beam from the PIP-II Linac (not the Booster or Main Injector beams). The challenge is to find an accommodation to the future Fermilab program with as little change to the current Mu2e experimental setup and beamlines as possible. Considerations include appropriate time structures, the transport of beam into the production target and exiting the production solenoid, heating of coils, veto rates, acceptable live times, stopping muon rates, and backgrounds. We discuss studies initiated to address these issues and prospects for a PIP-II era upgrade.
Mary Anne Cummings
(Muons, Inc.)
Roberts Thomas
(Muons, Inc.)