Moritz Habermehl
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are among the
favored candidates for Dark Matter and can be searched for in
dedicated experiments as well as at colliders. WIMP searches at lepton
colliders directly probe the WIMPs' coupling to electrons and are thus
complementary to both hadron collider searches and direct detection,
which rely on the WIMPs' coupling to hadrons.
At lepton colliders, WIMP pair production can be probed for masses up
to nearly half the center-of-mass energy via a photon from initial
state radiation as the observable signal particle. Polarised beams are
essential to reduce Standard Model backgrounds and to determine the
properties of the WIMPs in case a signal is discovered.
In this contribution, the future prospects for WIMP searches and
characterization will be presented based on a detailed simulation
study performed for the International Linear Collider. The
dependencies of the results on center-of-mass energy, luminosity and
beam polarisation will be discussed in the context of other colliders
and special detector requirements for this type of search will be highlighted.
Moritz Habermehl
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))