Irving Daniel Sandoval Gonzalez
(University of Illinois at Chicago (US))
During Run II of the LHC, the instantaneous luminosity will increase to near 2.5×10E34 cm−2 s−1. This increase in luminosity will create a high-pileup environment with a large charged particle flux near the interaction point. Operating in such challenging conditions requires high-efficiency tracking and vertexing in order to maintain the physics performance of Run I. The phase 1 pixel upgrade will meet these challenges by incorporating new digital readout chips and front-end electronics for higher data rates, DC-DC powering, and dual-phase CO2 cooling, which will achieve performance exceeding that of the present detector with a lower material budget. The upgraded detector will be installed during the extended technical stop between 2016 and 2017, and it will increase the number of barrel layers from 3 to 4 and the number of forward disks from 2 to 3. The design of the new forward detector will be presented along with status of system tests, module assembly, and module qualification.