Julia Yarba
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Particle physics experiments make heavy use of the Geant4 simulation package to model interactions between subatomic particles and bulk matter. Geant4 itself employs a set of carefully validated physics models that span a wide range of interaction energies.
These models rely on directly measured cross-sections and phenomenological models with physically motivated parameters, and are tuned to cover a very wide range of possible consumers.
The aggregated sum of these components is what experiments use to study their apparatus.
This raises a critical question of what systematic uncertainties are associated with a particular tune of one or another Geant4 physics model, or a group of models, involved in modeling and optimization of a detector design.
In response to multiple requests from the simulation community, the Geant4 collaboration has started a new initiative to address the challenge.
We have designed and implemented a comprehensive, modular, user-friendly software toolkit that allows the perturbation of one or multiple parameters of one or several Geant4 physics models involved in the simulation studies, and to perform collective analysis of multiple variants of the resulting physics observables of interest, in order to estimate a systematic uncertainty on a measurement due to the simulation model choices.
Based on modern event-processing infrastructure software, the toolkit offers a variety of attractive features, e.g. flexible run-time configurable workflow, comprehensive bookkeeping, easy to expand collection of analytical components.
Key functionalities of the toolkit will be presented and highlighted with signature results.
Julia Yarba
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Dennis Herbert Wright
Gabriel Perdue
Hans-Joachim Wenzel
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Krzysztof Genser
Michael Kelsey
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Robert William Hatcher