3–10 Aug 2016
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High Speed Visible Light Comunication System based on SiPM

6 Aug 2016, 18:00
Riverwalk A/B

Riverwalk A/B

Poster Technology Applications and Industrial Opportunities Poster Session


Mr Javier Fernando Castaño Forero (Universidad Antonio Nariño)Mr LUIS FERNANDO CASTAÑEDA MELO (Universidad Antonio Nariño)


A SiPM device has very high sensitivity, rapid response and high performance when it is operated in oversaturation conditions and detects very small variations in incident optical radiation. A SiPM detects low power light beams that are imperceptibles for other photodetectors. In this paper, we present a SiPM-based receiver that discriminate small light signals from background noise, while exposed to ambient light conditions without optical filters or another additional device and it is added to a High Speed Visible Light Communication System. This system works under normal ambient illumination conditions. This prototype is an innovation in the communications industry, built with technology developed by nuclear physics community. This new technology is a link between the science and communications industry.


Mr LUIS FERNANDO CASTAÑEDA MELO (Universidad Antonio Nariño)


Dr Andres Ignacio Hernandez Duarte (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Harold Yepes Ramirez (IFIC-ANTARES) Mr Javier Fernando Castaño Forero (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Dr Rafael M. Gutierrez Salamanca (Universidad Antonio Nariño)

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