Admir Greljo
(University of Zurich)
Given many possible forms that physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) could take, it is important to pursue a bottom-up approach in which as few assumptions as possible about the BSM sector are made. In this talk, we present a combined analysis of LHC Run-I Higgs data (signal strengths) together with LEP-II WW production measurements. To characterize possible deviations from the Standard Model (SM) predictions, we employ the framework of an Effective Field Theory (EFT) where the SM is extended by higher-dimensional operators suppressed by the mass scale of new physics $\Lambda$. Working under this hypothesis, important relations among Higgs and electroweak precision observables occur.
We perform the first consistent analysis at the order $\Lambda^{-2}$ in the EFT expansion keeping all the relevant operators.
While the two data sets suffer from flat directions, together they impose stringent model-independent constraints on the anomalous couplings, thus showing the importance of global analysis in the EFT framework.
As a side product, we provide the results of the combined fit in different EFT bases.
This presentation is mainly based on the recent publication: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, no. 1, 011801 (2016).
Admir Greljo
(University of Zurich)