3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
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The Large-Area Picosecond Photon Detector (LAPPD$^{\text{TM}}$ ), an Ideal Tool for Quantum Optics

8 Aug 2016, 18:30
Riverwalk A/B

Riverwalk A/B

Poster Detector: R&D and Performance Poster Session


Dr Bernhard Adams (Incom, Inc.)


The large-area picosecond photodetector (LAPPD$^{\text{TM}}$) is an ultrafast imaging detector with single-photon sensitivity. It can supply a continuous stream of photon-detection events, resolved spatially to about 0.5 X 0.5 mm$^2$ on an area of 20 X 20 cm$^2$, and temporally to about 50 ps. The time resolution approaches the coherence time of light filtered with dielectric-layer interference filters, and so, the detector can then resolve photon occupations in each longitudinal mode of light. Furthermore, if used with diffraction-limited optics matched to the spatial resolution, the detector can also resolve about 400 by 400 transverse modes. LAPPD$^{\text{TM}}$ is thus an enabling technology for quantum optics where photon occupation numbers in each electromagnetic-field mode in 6-dimensional phase space are relevant, for example photon-correlation experiments (Hanbury Brown - Twiss, or ghost imaging). Reference: http://psec.uchicago.edu/


Dr Bernhard Adams (Incom, Inc.)

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