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3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Lunch & Learn - Making science fun and exciting through social media

9 Aug 2016, 13:20
Chicago Ballroom

Chicago Ballroom

Oral Presentation Education and Outreach


Arnaud Marsollier (CERN)


Social media channels are vital for outreach and offer huge opportunities for scientists to directly engage with the public using nontraditional methods – including lots of creativity and humor. The physics community’s presence is growing more significant, and this session (designed for early career researchers ) will provide a lively discussion with experts in the domain. We’ll cover how to best use social media to raise public awareness of science, share excitement and progress, and cultivate support from followers. We’ll also discuss some of the thornier issues in social media, such as capturing the complexity of both the scientific process and the science itself.

Biron, Lauren (Fermilab)
Cowern, Dianna (Physics Girl)
Haffner, Julie (CERN)
Nellis, Clara (IN2P3)


Arnaud Marsollier (CERN)

Presentation materials