Joint Neutrino Physics & Detector: R&D
- Marzio Nessi (CERN)
- Elizabeth Worcester
Sanjib Mishra
(University of South Carolina)
05/08/2016, 11:30
Neutrino Physics
Oral Presentation
The LBNF at Fermilab would deliver a 1.2MW neutrino beam to the
DUNE experiment, allowing an unprecedented reach in neutrino oscillation
physics and providing a unique opportunity to effect a generational advance
in the fundamental measurements of neutrino induced fundamental interactions
at the near site. We shall review salient topics among these interactions.
Prospects for new physics at...
Alexander Himmel
05/08/2016, 11:47
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
DUNE, the DEEP Underground Neutrino Experiment, will be a groundbreaking experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies, and for neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. Planning of DUNE continues to proceed rapidly. The DUNE Far Detector will consist of four 10-kiloton fiducial volume modular liquid argon time-projection chambers (LArTPC) placed deep underground at the...
Zhimin Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics (Beijing))
05/08/2016, 12:02
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose underground experiment and the largest liquid scintillator (LS) detector going for neutrino mass hierarchy, precise neutrino oscillation parameter measurement and studies of other rare processes which include but not limited to solar neutrino, geo-neutrino, supernova neutrinos and the diffuse supernova neutrinos...
Leonidas Kalousis
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
05/08/2016, 12:17
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The SoLid experiment is currently one of the most compact and most finely segmented neutrino detectors. Deployed near a compact and intense neutrino sources, such as the Belgian high-power BR2 research reactor, it is an ideal detector to search for sterile neutrinos signatures.
A novel approach to measuring reactor anti-neutrinos was developed based on an innovative sandwich of composite...
Stephane Zsoldos
05/08/2016, 12:32
Neutrino Physics
Oral Presentation
The re-evaluation of the theoretical anti-neutrino flux emitted by nuclear reactors revealed a deficit of about 6% between the observed flux and the expected one. This so-called reactor anti-neutrino anomaly has a statistical significance of 2.7$\sigma$, and one possible explanation to this deficit could be the existence of a light sterile neutrino state into which reactor anti-neutrino...
Marcos Dracos
05/08/2016, 12:52
Neutrino Physics
Oral Presentation
The comparatively large value of the neutrino mixing angle θ13 measured in 2012 by neutrino reactor experiments has opened the possibility to observe for the first time CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measured value of θ13 also privileges the 2nd oscillation maximum for the discovery of CP violation instead of the usually used 1st oscillation maximum. The sensitivity at the 2nd...