Hotel Alif - Campo Pequeno ***
30 rooms reserved
Single room: 50€ - With breakfast included
Double room: 60€ - With breakfast included
Deadline: 05-01-2016
Hotel Alif - Campo Pequeno
Campo Pequeno, 51,
1000-081 Lisboa - Portugal
Phone: (+351) 217 826 210
Bookings: (+351) 217 826 222
Fax: (+351) 217 954 116
Please download and fill the booking form and send it directly to the hotel.
VIP Inn Berna Hotel ***
30 rooms reserved
Single room: 52€ - With breakfast included
Double room: 58€ - With breakfast included
VIP Inn Berna Hotel
Avenida António de Serpa, 13
1069-199 Lisboa - Portugal
Phone: (+351) 217 814 300
Pleasedownload and fill the booking form and send it directly to the hotel.
SANA Metropolitan Hotel ****
30 rooms reserved
Single room: 76€
Double room: 86€
SANA Metropolitan Hotel
R. Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Parcela 2
1600-198 Lisboa Portugal
Phone: (+351) 217 982 500
Please download and fill the booking form and send it directly to the hotel.
VIP Executive Villa Rica Hotel ****
20 rooms reserved
Single room: 67€
Double room: 77€
VIP Executive Villa Rica Hotel
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 295
1600-035 Lisboa - Portugal
Phone: (+351) 210 043 000
Please download and fill the booking form and send it directly to the hotel.