18–20 Feb 2016
University of Zurich, Irchel Campus
Europe/Zurich timezone

OpenML: Collaborative machine learning

19 Feb 2016, 15:00
Y16 G15 (University of Zurich, Irchel Campus)

Y16 G15

University of Zurich, Irchel Campus


Dr Joaquin Vanschoren (https://www.tue.nl)


Today, the ubiquity of the internet is allowing new, more scalable forms of scientific collaboration. Networked science tools allow scientists to share and organize data on a global scale, build directly on each other's data and techniques, reuse them in unforeseen ways, and mine all data to search for patterns. OpenML.org is a place for researchers to analyse data together, building on shared data sets, machine learning code and prior experiments. Integrated in many machine learning environments, it helps researchers win time by automating reproducible sharing, reuse and experimentation as much as possible. It also helps scientists and students across scientific fields to explore the latest and most relevant open data sets and machine learning techniques, find out which are most useful in their work, collaborate with others online, and gain more credit for their work by making it more visible and easily reusable.

Presentation materials