10–11 Nov 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Review Charge

Reviewers: Pierre Bosland, Philippe Lebrun, Vittorio Parma, Leonardo Ristori, Akira Yamamoto (Chair)

The installation of Crab Cavities (CC) is planned during Long Shutdown 3 (LS3), scheduled for beginning 2024-25. Due to lack of experience of CC performance in hadron machines, a beam test of CCs is planned in the SPS before LS2 where one or more Cryomodules and as many different types of CC as possible will be installed in the SPS beam and tested for performance. A significant effort towards the SPS tests have resulted in a detailed design of the cryomodules for the double quarter wave (DQW) and the RF dipole (RFD).

This review is charged to comprehensively review and address any outstanding issues related to the SPS cryomodules components design: vacuum vessel, thermal and magnetic shielding, thermal insulation, cryogenic distribution, internal support structure, RF internal lines, alignment adjustment and monitoring; as well as the physical and functional interfaces to the: RF cavities and helium vessels, cryogenic and vacuum systems. Some important elements of the cryomodule are being prototyped to understand the performance of the design choices (He-vessel, tuner etc..). The maturity of the technical status of the cryomodule and its readiness towards an installation in the technical stop of 2017-18 should be assessed. 

Specific questions to be addressed by the review:
1) Does the design meet all the functional requirements of such a cryomodule?
2) Have all important issues been covered by the project team ?
3) Have all the design aspects been studied sufficiently in detail in preparation for manufacturing? Are-there particular area where extra design effort is needed?
4) Are there risks associated with the design that could or must be removed or mitigated at this stage?
5) Is the proposed schedule related to SPS tests realistic?
6) Are the general plans and criteria for cryomodule development past the SPS application and into the HL-LHC period (post-2024) correctly defined? Is there any particular area that should be studied in more detail at this stage?