Nov 17 – 18, 2008
ETH Zurich
Europe/Zurich timezone
This workshop is the third of the "Swiss neutrino meetings” series, previously held at Neuchatel in 2004 and Bern in 2006. The workshop will be subdivided into three main subjects: (1) review of the present neutrino activities with focus on Swiss participation (2) presentation of related activities (3) presentation and discussion of future activities and definition of a common Swiss strategy. As was the case in previous meetings, the workshop will continue to foster proper boundary conditions among the involved Swiss institutes to converge towards a unified strategy for future activities, which will then be proposed to CHIPP as recommendations for the future Swiss neutrino roadmap.
ETH Zurich
Building HIT - Room E 51 (Mehrzweckraum Auditorium Siemens)
Wolfgang Pauli Str. 27 ETHZ Hönggerberg Campus, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH-8093 Zürich