The KLOE-2 experiment at DAFNE

Not scheduled
Research Hall Room 163 (George Mason University)

Research Hall Room 163

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA USA


Antonio De Santis (U. di Roma "La Sapienza")


The KLOE-2 experiment at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
(LNF) is currently taking data at the upgraded e+e- DAFNE collider.

KLOE-2 represents the continuation of KLOE with a new physics program
mainly focused on the study of K short, η and η′ decays as well as on
kaon interferometry, test of discrete symmetries, and search for
physics beyond the Standard Model. The new data taking campaign aiming
to collect more than 5 fb-1 integrated luminosity in the next 2-3
years, will allow
in particular to perform CPT symmetry and quantum coherence tests
using entangled neutral kaons with an unprecedented precision.

The general purpose KLOE detector, composed by one of the biggest
Drift Chamber ever built surrounded by a lead-scintillating fiber
Electromagnetic Calorimeter among the best ones for energy and timing
performance at low energies, undergone several upgrades including
State-of-The-art cylindrical GEM detector: the Inner Tracker.
To improve its vertex reconstruction capabilities near the interaction
region, KLOE-2 is the first high-energy experiment using the GEM
technology with a cylindrical geometry, a novel idea that was
developed at LNF exploiting the kapton properties to build a
transparent and compact tracking system.

An overview of the KLOE-2 experiment will be given including present
status and achievements together with physics plans.

Primary author

Antonio De Santis (U. di Roma "La Sapienza")

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