7–8 Jan 2016
Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
Japan timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Please contact workshop organizers before submitting your talks. This workshop is held for participants by invitation only.

To submit talks, you need to login CERN (where our conference page exists). There are three options to login CERN.

1) Create new CERN lightweight account.
Go to CERN's external site and follow instruction in "LightWeight Account Registration Process".

2) Sign in your Google or Facebook account.

3) Sign in with your organization or institution account.

If you chose option 1), please create CERN account first.

When you click "Submit Abstract" to submit your talks, you will be forwarded to login page with the three options listed above.

Once you login to CERN, you may submit talks, change the talk title, uploaded PDF or abstract anytime with your account.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The call for abstracts is closed.