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WG3: Extended scalars benchmarking

Thursday 10 September 2015 - 17:00
CERN (13/1-017)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Sept 2015
17:00 Introduction - Heather Logan (Carleton University) Rui Santos (ISEL) Shufang Su (University of Arizona) Xiaohu Sun (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Raffaele Angelo Gerosa (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   (13/1-017)
17:05 Proposal for a benchmark for H5^0,^+/-,^++/-- searches in the Georgi-Machacek model (10+10') - Heather Logan (Carleton University)   (13/1-017)
17:25 Proposal for CP-violating benchmarks in the C2HDM (10+10') - Rui Santos (ISEL)   (13/1-017)
17:45 Benchmark proposal for 2HDM with light Higgs mediated flavour changing processes (10+10') - Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo (Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST)) Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo Da Silva (Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))   (13/1-017)
18:05 Benchmarks with a real or complex singlet scalar (10+10') - Marco Oliveira Pena Sampaio (University of Aveiro)   (13/1-017)
18:25 Singlet benchmarks for LHC Run II (10+10') - Tania Robens (TU Dresden)   (13/1-017)
18:45 General discussion   (13/1-017)