Parallel Session VI - Medical
- Joseph Perl (SLAC)
Thibault Frisson
(Centre Léon Bérard)
16/10/2009, 14:30
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
Monte Carlo simulation is an important tool in medical physics to understand and analyse data taken from medical devices. It is also useful to assist the development of new medical devices and optimise their use.
GATE, a Geant4 Application, has been developed since 2001, initially for emission tomography (PET and SPECT) simulations. It encapsulates the GEANT4 libraries in order to achieve a...
Giuseppe Antonio Pablo Cirrone
16/10/2009, 14:52
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
Hadrontherapy is an advanced example of Geant4 toolkit. Hadrontherapy application was originally developed to simulate a well specified proton therapy facility: the passive transport beam line installed at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN) in Catania, Italy. In the recent past, Hadrontherapy went through different modifies. Nowadays, Hadrontherapy is a multifaceted and more flexible...
Takashi Sasaki
16/10/2009, 15:14
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
PTSsim Framework for Radiotherapy Monte Carlo
Pedro Arce
16/10/2009, 15:36
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
GAMOS Framework for Medical Monte Carlo