9:30 AM
Participants registration
(until 10:00 AM)
(Main Conference Hall)
10:00 AM
(until 10:30 AM)
(Conference hall)
10:05 AM
Workshop Logistics
Pablo Cirrone
(Main Conference Hall)
10:10 AM
Workshop Goals and Opportunities
(Conference hall)
10:30 AM
Plenary Session I - HEP and Hadronics
(until 1:00 PM)
(Main Conference Hall)
10:30 AM
Geant4 applications in high-energy physics
Margar Simonyan
(lapp-Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules-In)
(Main Conference Hall)
11:15 AM
Geant4 Hadronic Physics Performance: Recent validation and developments
Jose Manuel Quesada Molina
(Depto. de Fis. Atom., Mole. y Nucl.-Universidad de Sevilla-Unkno)
(Main Conference Hall)
12:00 PM
Geant4 applications for astroparticle and rare-event physics
- Mr
Markus Horn
(Main Conference Hall)
12:45 PM
--- Short break ---
9:00 AM
Plenary Session II - Space and Physics
(until 11:00 AM)
(Main Conference Hall)
9:00 AM
Applications of Geant4 in space
- Dr
Giovanni Santin
(Main Conference Hall)
9:45 AM
Geant4 EM Physics Performance: Recent developments and validation
- Dr
Ziad Francis
(Main Conference Hall)
10:15 AM
Physics performance: topical discussion
- Dr
Alberto Ribon
(Main Conference Hall)
11:00 AM
Cofee/Tea Break
(until 11:30 AM)
11:30 AM
Plenary Session III - Medical and Physics Lists
(until 1:00 PM)
(Main Conference Hall)
11:30 AM
Applications of Geant4 in Proton Radiotherapy at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
- Prof.
Jeremy C. POLF
(UTMD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, US)
(Main Conference Hall)
12:15 PM
Physics Lists
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
Plenary Session IV - News from Geant4 and Computing Performance
(until 10:40 AM)
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
News from Geant4: Recent Developments (non-physics)
Ivana Hrivnacova
(Main Conference Hall)
9:00 AM
News from Geant4: Best Practices
Joseph Perl
(Main Conference Hall)
9:15 AM
News from Geant4: Demo of Visualization Capabilities
John Allison
(Main Conference Hall)
9:30 AM
News from Geant4: Upcoming Geant4 Releases
- Dr
John Apostolakis
(Main Conference Hall)
9:45 AM
Topic C: Computing Performance - Presentation
Daniel Elvira
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
(Main Conference Hall)
10:10 AM
Topic C: Computing Performance - Discussion
Victor Daniel Elvira
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
(Main Conference Hall)
10:40 AM
Cofee/Tea Break
(until 11:10 AM)
11:10 AM
Technical Forum
(until 12:40 PM)
(Conference hall)
8:40 AM
Organized excursion
(until 4:40 PM)
8:40 AM
Plenary Session I - Goals, Challenges and Performance
(until 10:40 AM)
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
Workshop Goals
- Dr
John Apostolakis
(Main Conference Hall)
9:10 AM
Emerging requirements from user domains - HEP
Andrea Dotti
(INFN Sezione di Pisa (INFN))
(Main Conference Hall)
9:15 AM
Emerging requirements from user domains - Nuclear Physics and Underground experiments
Luciano Pandola
(Main Conference Hall)
9:20 AM
Emerging requirements from user domains - Astrophysics and Space Applications
Alfonso Mantero
(Main Conference Hall)
9:25 AM
Emerging requirements from user domains - Medical applications
susanna guatelli
(University of Wollongong)
(Main Conference Hall)
9:30 AM
Emerging requirements from user domains - Shielding and industrial applications
- Dr
Tatsumi Koi
(Main Conference Hall)
9:40 AM
On improving Geant4 performance, robustness and easing code maintenance
Krzysztof Genser
(Main Conference Hall)
10:40 AM
Coffee/Tea Break
(until 11:10 AM)
11:10 AM
Plenary Session II - SVN and multi-core
(until 12:40 PM)
(Main Conference Hall)
11:10 AM
Migration to SVN
Gunter Folger
(Main Conference Hall)
11:40 AM
Multi-core & multi-threading: Report from pilot prototyping project
Xin Dong
(Northeastern University)
(Main Conference Hall)
12:10 PM
Multi-core & multi-threading: Tips on how to write "thread-safe" code in Geant4
Gene Cooperman
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
Plenary Session III - Hadronic modeling and validation
(until 10:40 AM)
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
New developments for Bertini cascade
Dennis Herbert Wright
(Stanford University)
(Main Conference Hall)
9:05 AM
Recent developments for CHIPS
- Dr
Mikhail Kosov
(Main Conference Hall)
9:30 AM
Recent developments for FTF
Vladimir Uzhinskiy
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (JINR))
(Main Conference Hall)
9:55 AM
Validation of Geant4 models in transition energy region
- Dr
Alberto Ribon
(Main Conference Hall)
10:25 AM
(Main Conference Hall)
10:40 AM
Coffee/Tea Break
(until 11:10 AM)
(Room: "Break room")
11:10 AM
Plenary Session IV - Physics Lists and Metrics
(until 12:40 PM)
(Main Conference Hall)
11:10 AM
Physics Lists improvement and documentation
(Main Conference Hall)
12:10 PM
Metrics for comparing Simulation against data
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
Plenary Session V - EM Physics Validation and Development
(until 10:40 AM)
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
New developments and validation for standard EM
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
(Main Conference Hall)
9:05 AM
Migration of low-energy physics to common EM design
Luciano Pandola
(Main Conference Hall)
9:30 AM
New high energy models and validation tools
Andreas Schaelicke
(Main Conference Hall)
9:55 AM
Simulating Scintillator Light Collection Using Measured Optical Reflectance
Peter Gumplinger
(Main Conference Hall)
10:20 AM
General Discussion
(Main Conference Hall)
10:40 AM
Coffee/Tea Break
(until 11:10 AM)
11:10 AM
Plenary Session VI - Testing, Analysis and CAD/GDML
(until 1:00 PM)
(Main Conference Hall)
11:10 AM
A stable interface to read and write IAEA phase-space files in Geant4
- Mr
Miguel A. Cortes-Giraldo
(University of Sevilla)
(Main Conference Hall)
12:10 PM
(Main Conference Hall)
12:30 PM
Getting CAD Geometries into Geant4 - Discussion
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
Plenary Session VII - Summary from the parallel sessions
(until 10:20 AM)
(Main Conference Hall)
8:40 AM
II - Model development and comparison with experiments
- Dr
Mikhail Kosov
(Main Conference Hall)
8:50 AM
III - Performance of Brachytherapy Realistic Application (work session)
Joseph Perl
(Main Conference Hall)
9:00 AM
IV - Hadronic Code Improvement
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
(Main Conference Hall)
9:10 AM
V - Physics lists : documentation and X - Configure tool / New system testing
Gunter Folger
(Main Conference Hall)
9:20 AM
VI - Low-energy EM
Sebastien Laurent Incerti
(Main Conference Hall)
9:30 AM
I - Physics Tables - and Multi-core
- Dr
John Apostolakis
(Main Conference Hall)
9:40 AM
VII - Hadronics validation and testing
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
(Main Conference Hall)
9:50 AM
VIII - Kernel
Makoto Asai
(Main Conference Hall)
10:00 AM
IX - Multiple scattering and single scattering
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
(Main Conference Hall)
10:10 AM
XI - EM - new models and validation
Andreas Schaelicke
(Main Conference Hall)
10:20 AM
Coffee/Tea Break
(until 10:50 AM)
(Room: "Break room")
10:50 AM
Plenary Session VIII - Future developments and challenges
(until 12:00 PM)
(Conference hall)
10:50 AM
Next release
Gabriele Cosmo
(Conference hall)
11:10 AM
Architecture review
Makoto Asai
(Conference hall)
11:30 AM
- Dr
John Apostolakis
(Conference hall)
1:00 PM
(until 2:30 PM)
2:30 PM
Parallel Session I - Hadronic Physics Validation
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:30 PM
Nuclear beams in extended media: issues of nuclear fragmentation
- Dr
Igor Pshenichnov
(Frankfurt Institite for Advanced Studies (FIAS) and Institute for Nuclear Research (INR), Moscow)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:50 PM
Test of Hadronic Models in GEANT4 using the BESIII Data
- Dr
Guofu Cao
(Institute of High Energy Physics) Prof.
Huaimin Liu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
(Room "Azzurra")
3:10 PM
Beam Test and Simulation Results with Highly Granular Calorimeters for the ILC
- Mr
Benjamin Lutz
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
(Room "Azzurra")
3:30 PM
slic & lcdd: A Detector Response Simulation Program
Norman Graf
(Room "Azzurra")
2:30 PM
Parallel Session II - EM Physics: Validation and Applications
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room "52")
2:30 PM
Validation of Geant4 EM physics for gamma rays against the SANDIA, EPDL97 and NIST databases
Zhang Qiwei
(Room "52")
3:00 PM
Evaluation of absorbed fractions for beta-gamma radionuclides in ellipsoidal volumes of soft tissue through Geant4
- Dr
Ernesto Amato
(University of Messina)
(Room "52")
3:20 PM
Complete Monte Carlo simulation of the optical response of the WArP detector for direct Dark Matter search
- Dr
Francesco Di Pompeo
(Gran Sasso National Laboratory)
(Room "52")
4:00 PM
Coffe/Tea break
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Parallel Session III - Medical
(until 6:50 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
4:30 PM
From imaging to dosimetry: Geant4-based study on the application of Medipix2 to neutron personnel dosimetry.
- Dr
S. Guatelli
(University of Wollongong, Australia)
(Room "Azzurra")
4:50 PM
Skin Dosimetry in MRI-guided Radiotherapy (MRIgRT)
- Mr
Bradley Oborn
(Centre for Medical Radiation Physics)
(Room "Azzurra")
5:10 PM
Geant4-based studies to characterise the tissue-equivalence of SOI and diamond microdosimeter detectors, under development at CMRP.
- Dr
S. Guatelli
(CMRP, University of Wollongong, Australia)
(Room "Azzurra")
5:30 PM
Dosimetric study of photon dose distribution in lungs under different respiratory phases: comparison with GEANT4 simulations
- Dr
Barbara Caccia
(Technologies and Health Dept. Istituto Superiore di Sanità and INFN, Roma (Italy))
(Room "Azzurra")
5:50 PM
Implementation of a Monte Carlo - GEANT4 Simulation for the dosimetric study of electron beams produced by a mobile accelerator for IORT
- Dr
Giorgio Russo
(Laboratorio di Tecnologie Oncologiche (LATO) HSR Giglio, Cefalù (PA), Italy)
(Room "Azzurra")
6:10 PM
The role of Geant4 in the production of a database for an ion therapy Treatment Planning System
Germano Russo
(INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale - Università di Torino, Italy)
(Room "Azzurra")
6:30 PM
Geant4 based simulation of the Leksell Gamma Knife for treatment planning validation
- Dr
Francesco Romano
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy)
(Room "Azzurra")
4:30 PM
Parallel Session IV - Underground
(until 6:00 PM)
(Room "52")
4:30 PM
Muon Spallation Products in KamLAND
- Dr
Itaru Shimizu
(Room "52")
5:00 PM
MonteCarlo Simulations with GEANT4 for the XENON100 Detector
- Mr
Alexander Kish
(University of Zürich)
(Room "52")
5:25 PM
GEANT4 simulation of the Borexino solar neutrino experiment.
Igor Machulin
(Kurchatov Institute, Moscow)
(Room "52")
1:00 PM
(until 2:30 PM)
2:30 PM
Parallel Session V - HEP
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room "52")
2:30 PM
The Geant4 Simulation of the ATLAS Experiment
Makoto Asai
(Room "52")
2:50 PM
ALICE Experience with Geant3, Fluka and GEANT4
Eva Sicking
(Institut fuer Kernphysik-Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Mun)
(Room "52")
3:10 PM
Geant4 Results from CMS
Sunanda Banerjee
(Room "52")
3:30 PM
Geant4 Studies in the Context of Dual Readout Calorimetry Simulations
Krzysztof Genser
(Room "52")
2:30 PM
Parallel Session VI - Medical
Joseph Perl
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:30 PM
The new version of the GATE simulation platform
- Dr
Thibault Frisson
(Centre Léon Bérard)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:52 PM
Recent developments and features in Hadrontherapy advanced example
- Dr
Giuseppe Antonio Pablo Cirrone
(Room "Azzurra")
3:14 PM
PTSsim Framework for Radiotherapy Monte Carlo
- Dr
Takashi Sasaki
(Room "Azzurra")
3:36 PM
GAMOS Framework for Medical Monte Carlo
Pedro Arce
(Room "Azzurra")
4:00 PM
Cofee/Tea Break
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Parallel Session VII - Nuclear and Space Physics
(until 6:30 PM)
(Room "52")
4:30 PM
GEANT4 simulation project on the AMS facility, ARTEMIS, at LMC14 in Saclay, France
- Mrs
(Room "52")
4:50 PM
Simulation of MEDEA Response to Neutrons
- Dr
concettina maiolino
(Room "52")
5:10 PM
The radiation hardness assurance tests at INFN-LNS Catania
Francesca Renzi
(MAPrad s.r.l)
(Room "52")
4:30 PM
Parallel Session VIII - Medical
(until 6:30 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
4:30 PM
Geant4 simulation of the attenuation properties of plastic shields for beta radionuclides employed in internal radiotherapy
- Dr
Domenico Lizio
(University of Messina)
(Room "Azzurra")
4:50 PM
- Prof.
Ivan Petrovic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia)
(Room "Azzurra")
5:10 PM
Physical and Biological investigations using Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation of the beam delivery line components in particle therapy.
Faiza Bourhaleb
(University of Turin, Dpt experimental physics and INFN, Torino, IT)
(Room "Azzurra")
5:30 PM
Simulation studies of a therapeutic proton beam delivery system
- Mr
Jungwook Shin
(National Cancer Center, Korea)
(Room "Azzurra")
5:50 PM
New physics processes dedicated to nanometric scale track structure in the Geant4 toolkit
- Dr
Ziad Francis
(Room "Azzurra")
6:10 PM
Till Tobias Boehlen
(Room "Azzurra")
12:40 PM
(until 2:10 PM)
2:10 PM
Steering Board Meeting
(until 4:10 PM)
(4th Floor Room)
4:10 PM
Free time
(until 8:10 PM)
8:10 PM
Social dinner in Catania
(until 11:10 PM)
12:40 PM
(until 2:10 PM)
2:10 PM
Parallel Session I - Particle tables and processes
(until 3:40 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:10 PM
Context of session - and proposed agenda
(Room "Azzurra")
2:10 PM
Parallel Session II - Model development and comparison with experiments
(until 3:40 PM)
(Room "52")
2:10 PM
Developments in INCL/ABLA
Pekka Kaitaniemi
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
(Room "52")
2:25 PM
Progress in GEM and Precompound Models
Jose Manuel Quesada Molina
(Depto. de Fis. Atom., Mole. y Nucl.-Universidad de Sevilla-Unkno)
(Room "52")
2:40 PM
QMD Update
- Dr
Tatsumi Koi
(Room "52")
2:55 PM
The ENDL Neutron Interface
- Dr
Tatsumi Koi
(Room "52")
3:10 PM
Ion-ion Validation from Catania
- Dr
Giacomo Cuttone
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy)
(Room "52")
3:20 PM
Discussion: Detailed vs. Simplified Neutron Capture Models
(Room "52")
3:40 PM
Coffee/Tea Break
(until 4:10 PM)
4:10 PM
Parallel Session III - Performance of Brachytherapy Realistic Application (work session)
(until 6:10 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
4:10 PM
Parallel Session IV - Hadronic Code Improvement
(until 6:10 PM)
(Room "52")
4:10 PM
Migration to integer Z and A
Gunter Folger
(Room "52")
4:30 PM
Final state rotation
- Dr
Tatsumi Koi
(Room "52")
4:50 PM
Using standard Geant4 features, code speed-up
Dennis Herbert Wright
(Stanford University)
(Room "52")
5:10 PM
Hadronic process clean-up, initialisation of models
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
(Room "52")
5:30 PM
Discussion and hands on
(Room "52")
12:40 PM
(until 2:10 PM)
(Room: "Break room")
2:10 PM
Parallel Session V - Physics lists : documentation
(until 3:40 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:10 PM
Parallel Session VI - Low-energy EM
(until 3:40 PM)
(Room "52")
2:10 PM
Future developments and validation of G4LowE extensions: proposed projects by CMRP
susanna guatelli
(University of Wollongong)
(Room "52")
2:30 PM
Very low energy activities at AIT
Marcin Latocha
(AIT, Austria)
(Room "52")
2:45 PM
Extended cross sections for microdosimetry
Zyad Francis Francis
(Room "52")
3:00 PM
General discussion about workplan and contributions
(Room "52")
3:40 PM
Coffee/Tea Break
(until 4:10 PM)
(Room: "Break room")
4:10 PM
Parallel Session VII - Hadronics validation and testing
(until 6:30 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
4:10 PM
Total Cross Section Tests at Process Level
- Dr
Mikhail Kosov
(Room "Azzurra")
4:30 PM
Hadronic Generator Tests for Spallation and Low Energies
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
(Room "Azzurra")
4:50 PM
The Validation Effort at FNAL
Sunanda Banerjee
(Room "Azzurra")
5:10 PM
Geant4 Hadronic Validation Framework
- Dr
Julia Yarba
(Room "Azzurra")
5:30 PM
Plans and Discussion
(Room "Azzurra")
4:10 PM
Parallel Session VIII - Kernel
(until 6:10 PM)
(Room "52")
4:20 PM
Reverse MC - status
Laurent Desorgher
(Room "52")
4:50 PM
Parallel world navigation - status and work plan
- Dr
John Apostolakis
(Room "52")
5:10 PM
BREP solids by curve revolution and extrusion
Gabriele Camellini
(Room "52")
1:00 PM
(until 2:10 PM)
2:10 PM
Parallel Session IX - Multiple scattering and single scattering
(until 3:40 PM)
(Main Conference Hall)
2:10 PM
Incorporation of Goudsmit-Sounderson electron transport theory into Geant4
- Dr
Omrane Kadri
(National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies)
(Main Conference Hall)
2:30 PM
Multiple scattering model upgrade
Laszlo Urban
(Main Conference Hall)
2:50 PM
MSC benchmarking
Joseph Perl
(Main Conference Hall)
3:10 PM
Discussion on MSC configuration
(Main Conference Hall)
2:10 PM
Parallel Session X - Configure tool / New system testing
(until 3:40 PM)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:10 PM
Replacing Configure/metaconf by modern tool(s)
- Dr
Ben Morgan
(University of Warwick)
(Room "Azzurra")
2:40 PM
System testing using nightlies
(Room "Azzurra")
3:40 PM
Coffee/Tea Break
(until 4:10 PM)
4:10 PM
Parallel Session XI - EM - new models and validation
(until 6:10 PM)
(Main Conference Hall)
4:10 PM
Range validation for electrons, protons and alpha particles
Christina Zacharatou Jarlskog
(Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)
Michel Maire
(Main Conference Hall)
4:30 PM
ICRU'73 stopping powers
Anton Lechner
(Atominst. der Oest. Universitaeten - Technische Universitaet Wien)
(Main Conference Hall)
4:50 PM
Fluctuation model modifications
Laszlo Urban
Michel Maire
(Main Conference Hall)
5:10 PM
New test on silicon detectors
Frederic Dupertuis
(Main Conference Hall)
5:30 PM
Discussion - Physics List options for 9.3
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
(Main Conference Hall)
4:10 PM
Parallel Session XII - [Available slot]
(until 6:10 PM)
(Room "52")
12:00 PM
Workshop closeout
(until 12:20 PM)
12:30 PM
Steering Board Meeting
(until 2:00 PM)
(Room "52")