Zhang Qiwei
15/10/2009, 14:30
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
From version 9.2 of Geant4, the LowEnergy electromagnetic processes (Livermore and Penelope) have been migrated to the design introduced for the Standard EM models. In the new approach there is only one process and multiple models that can be registered to the process. We present a validation of the migrated Geant4 electromagnetic photon models for elements and compounds with respect to...
Ernesto Amato
(University of Messina)
15/10/2009, 15:00
Oral presentation Users Workshop
We developed a simulation in Geant4 to calculate the absorbed fractions for monoenergetic and beta electrons emitted by 199Au, 177Lu, 131I, 153Sm, 186Re and 90Y and for photons between 10 keV and 1 MeV, emitted by sources uniformly distributed in ellipsoidal volumes of soft tissue. Code validation results with respect to reference data for doses, ranges and absorbed fractions in spheres are...
Francesco Di Pompeo
(Gran Sasso National Laboratory)
15/10/2009, 15:20
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
WArP is a double phase Dark Matter experiment using Liquid Argon as a target. In order to efficiently collect the 128 nm scintillation light a very careful light collection system, made by a wavelength shifter and a dielectric mirror, is used. A detailed & complete GEANT4 simulation of the detector has been performed, from particle interaction to PMTs photon detection. Optical photons...