16/10/2009, 16:30
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
A project of Ion Beam Simulation on the ARTEMIS Accelerator Mass Spectrometer is carried out at LMC14. The tool GEANT4 is used to take into account all physical processes and predict and control the settings of such a facility.
concettina maiolino
16/10/2009, 16:50
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
An application of GEANT4 version 9.2p01 to 4π Medea detector will be presented.
MEDEA (1) is a working array aimed at the gamma and light charged particle detection in the range of intermediate energies (up to 100 MeV/A), installed at LNS. MEDEA is made of 180 BaF2 detectors, arranged in a spherical shape of 22 cm radius. Each module is made of 2 separated crystals in optical contact.
Francesca Renzi
(MAPrad s.r.l)
16/10/2009, 17:10
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
This work presents the features of a monitoring system developed for radiation hardness studies on electronics components and systems at Superconducting Cyclotron at INFN-LNS (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy). Relevant beam parameters as flux, 3-D beam profile and energy are measured with high accuracy with double sided 1.5 mm thick...