Itaru Shimizu
15/10/2009, 16:30
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
The study of the muon spallation products is essential for rate event detection in neutrino detectors, double beta decay experiments, and dark matter searches. In the KamLAND detector, energetic muons interact mainly with 12C in the liquid scintillator and generate neutrons and isotopes by electromagnetic or hadronic processes. The neutron production yield is evaluated to be (2.8 +- 0.3) x...
Alexander Kish
(University of Zürich)
15/10/2009, 17:00
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
The XENON100 detector is a dual phase (liquid-gas) xenon time-projection chamber for direct dark matter detection. The total amount of liquid xenon is 165 kg, of which 65 kg are in the active target enclosed in a teflon/copper structure, the rest being in the surrounding active veto volume.
UV light signals are produced by particle interactions and detected by 242 PMTs (178 in the target and...
Igor Machulin
(Kurchatov Institute, Moscow)
15/10/2009, 17:25
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
The BOREXINO experiment measures the MeV and subMeV Solar neutrinos with the Borexino low background liquid scintillator detector at Gran Sasso National Laboratory. A GEANT4 based simulation was developed and used to model the physical characteristics of the Borexino detector. Object oriented structure of GEANT4 is very suitable to describe the full detector geometry and ...