S. Guatelli
(University of Wollongong, Australia)
15/10/2009, 16:30
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
A Geant4 simulation study is performed to optimise a novel neutron personnel dosimeter, developed at the Centre of Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP), University of Wollongong, consisting of a silicon pixelated detector device - Medipix2- covered with a polyethylene converter on top.
In this talk we would like to illustrate the Geant4 simulation developed to optimise the novel neutron...
Bradley Oborn
(Centre for Medical Radiation Physics)
15/10/2009, 16:50
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
Geant4 has been used to simulate in high-resolution (10 micron thick voxels) the skin doses below 0.5 mm depth occurring in MRIgRT (6 MV photon beam, Varian 2100C). On the entry side lepton contamination removal has been studied to show potential skin dose reductions (at low magnetic field strengths). At high magnetic fields (>2 T) skin dose increases (up to 30% of dmax). In the exit region...
S. Guatelli
(CMRP, University of Wollongong, Australia)
15/10/2009, 17:10
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
Silicon On Insulator (SOI) microdosimeters have been under investigation for the past ten years as a possible alternative to tissue equivalent gas counters for microdosimetric measurements in medical physics and radiation protection in earth labs, aviation and space, at Centre of Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong.
In the last 5-6 years, extensive Geant4-based simulation...
Barbara Caccia
(Technologies and Health Dept. Istituto Superiore di Sanità and INFN, Roma (Italy))
15/10/2009, 17:30
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
The advances in oncological research have had an important impact on cancer patients survival, but there
has been no major or dramatic improvement in long-term survival in the lung cancer despite more
innovative treatment techniques and protocols implemented in radiation oncology. The problematic
concerning dose calculation in the presence of in-homogeneities has already been afforded by...
Giorgio Russo
(Laboratorio di Tecnologie Oncologiche (LATO) HSR Giglio, Cefalù (PA), Italy)
15/10/2009, 17:50
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
In the last few years the use of ionising radiation has obtained a relevant role as a remedy for many types of tumour pathologies. Among the different radiation techniques the Intra Operative radiation therapy (IORT) is a new way to treat some tumours [1,2,3,4], consisting of exposing the surrounding involved tissues to a single high radiation dose during surgery after the obliteration of the...
Germano Russo
(INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale - Università di Torino, Italy)
15/10/2009, 18:10
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
In radiotherapy with carbon ions, the beam interaction with tissues has to be carefully
estimated, since the spatial changes in the radiation quality due to fragmentation, energy
loss and multiple scattering imply variations in the local radiobiological effectiveness. The
information of dose deposition pattern alone is not sufficient to predict the biological effect
of treatment: a...
Francesco Romano
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy)
15/10/2009, 18:30
Users' Workshop
Oral presentation Users Workshop
The Monte Carlo code Geant4 has been used to simulate the Leksell Gamma Knife® and to verify its treatment planning system Leksell GammaPlan® (LGP). By means of this radiosurgical technique, intracranial lesions can be treated in a single session with high precision and critical brain structures can be protected. Radiation from 201 60Co sources comes through a collimation system to the target...