Gianluigi Arduini
20' + 5'
- HL-LHC upgrades during LS2 (collimators, TDIS, cryogenics, coating of IP2 and IP8 triplet beam screens)
- Beta* reach and performance (optics, ATS, flat vs. round)
- Validation of the levelling scenarios driven by pile-up measurements (beta* levelling in IP1/5 and separation in IP2/8) with high brightness beams
- Expected limitations (aperture, heat loads in the IR1/5 triplets from electron cloud, debris, impedance, )
- Validation of heat load dependence due to electron cloud on bunch population
- Validation of the longitudinal stability limits (coupled bunch) confirming the longitudinal stability up to HL-LHC parameters with a single RF system
- Validation of the operation of the 400 MHz system in full detuning mode
- Performance with head-on and long range limits comparable to HL-LHC
- Stability limits and effect of the impedance reduction campaign
- Emittance control for very high brightness beams (BCMS)
- Halo measurement and control
- Losses and margin with respect to quench limits (need or not of IR7 dispersion suppressor collimators)
- Component heating and validation of the upgrade scenarios (e.g. confirm that the present MKI design is compatible with the HL-LHC beams for bunch lengths in the range of 8 to 10 cm)