25–28 Jan 2016
Chamonix - Les Aiglons
Europe/Zurich timezone


25 Jan 2016, 16:45
Chamonix - Les Aiglons

Chamonix - Les Aiglons

Session 2: Key Challenges for Operation Session 2: Key Challenges for Operation


Bernhard Auchmann


20’ + 5’

As far as beam-losses are concerned, UFOs and the ULO have been the most prominent threats to machine availability in Run-2 proton operation. For the time being, the fast advance of the conditioning effect and the orbit bump around the ULO appear to have saved the day. In this presentation we will give an overview of beam losses in the LHC with protons and ions, the corresponding quench levels in cold magnets, as well as the adopted BLM-threshold strategies for different scenarios.

Presentation materials