Chair: J. Wenninger, Sc. secretary: K. Fuchsberger
In 2015 the LHC entered the first year of its second long Run, and the first collisions at 13 TeV CoM were delivered to the experiments on 3 June, after two months of beam commissioning. The rest of the year was characterized by a stepwise increase in the number of bunches that allowed reaching 2244 bunches/ring and a peak luminosity of ~5e33cm-2s-1, for a total of just above 4 fb-1...
With the restart at a record energy level, 2015 has been a challenging year for the LHC. An analysis of the performance through the investigation of each phase of the nominal cycle will be presented. The possibility and different scenarios to potentially increase efficiency will also be discussed.
No major machine protection incidents occurred during the 2015 run, but a number of critical issues can be identified and will be presented. Details of the intensity ramp-up and the handing of the safety critical Machine Development requests are given. A look ahead to 2016 is given and the potential critical issues will be highlighted.
The beam cleaning performance of the collimation system at 6.5 TeV and its evolution over the year will be presented. Collimation setup and validation procedures will be presented, including the gain from the embedded beam position monitors.
The LHC operation in 2015 for the RF and transverse damper system is presented. After a brief summary of the changes made during LS1 and recommissioning in the beginning of 2015, operational RF and transverse damper parameters as well as new diagnostics are detailed. Finally, an outlook of plans for the next year is given.