Chairs: Oliver Brüning
Scientific Secretary: Yannis Papaphilippou
Gianluigi Arduini
28/01/2016, 08:30
Session 7: HL-LHC
20' + 5'
- HL-LHC upgrades during LS2 (collimators, TDIS, cryogenics, coating of IP2 and IP8 triplet beam screens)
- Beta* reach and performance (optics, ATS, flat vs. round)
- Validation of the levelling scenarios driven by pile-up measurements (beta* levelling in IP1/5 and separation in IP2/8) with high brightness beams
- Expected limitations (aperture, heat loads...
Erk Jensen
28/01/2016, 08:55
Session 7: HL-LHC
20' + 5'
- Time line and criteria for deciding between options (design; prototyping; construction; commissioning) so that they are ready by LS3? is it already too late for some options?
- Implications / coordination with LIU upgrades
- What kind of feedback upgrade do we need (bandwidth)
- (provisionally)
Stefano Redaelli
28/01/2016, 09:20
Session 7: HL-LHC
20' + 5'
- The upgrade strategy for the LHC collimation system relies on various inputs from the LHC operation: loss rates, quench limits of magnet against beam losses, beam stability limit from collimator impedance, etc.
- The performance assessment based on the LHC Run I entails intrinsic uncertainties because of the differences in beam energy, bunch spacing and...
Giovanna Vandoni
28/01/2016, 09:45
Session 7: HL-LHC
20' + 5'
- Planning and interface with other integration activities -> time line
- Test program and goals
- (provisionally)
Pedro Costa Pinto
28/01/2016, 10:30
Session 7: HL-LHC
20' + 5'
- Issue and how to tackle
- Carbon coating
- Laser patterning
- R&D and downselection process
- (Provisional)
Jorg Wenninger
28/01/2016, 10:55
Session 7: HL-LHC
20' + 5'
- During Run 1 and in 2015 LHC operation has not been perturbed by vibrations and higher frequency (>1 Hz) ground motion. The effects of some large earthquakes was observed on the beam orbits, but no beam was lost or spoiled by such events.
- In the coming years two new sources of perturbations could possibly impact LHC operation: civil engineering for HL-LHC in...
John Jowett
28/01/2016, 11:20
Session 7: HL-LHC
20' + 5'
- LHC Pb-Pb performance prospects and LIU projections compared to experiments' requests, updated in the light of the 2015 Pb-Pb run.
- Sharing options among the experiments including LHCb.
- Experience and fedback from ion MDs 2015
- Recommended running scenario and schedule.