We aim to bring together young researchers from across SEPnet and the UK whose work is related to SUSY. This includes theoreticians, model builders, and phenomenologists working on BSM physics, astrophysics and cosmology, and experimentalists involved or interested in SUSY searches at the LHC.
By covering a range of related topics from pure theory, including links to astrophysics and cosmology, all the way through to experimental searches, this workshop will allow all participants to widen their physics knowledge and broaden their experience. Focusing on SUSY will also allow students to gain a deeper understanding of this topic, allowing them to advance their own physics research. Researchers will have the chance to communicate their research, and the hope is that this conference will be an opportunity for generating new ideas and new collaborations.
The workshop will contain four overview talks covering the status of supersymmetry from phenomenological, model building, theoretical, and experimental point of views.
The remaining talks will be given mainly by PhD students (could include postdoctoral researchers as well). These talks will be divided according to subject into three sessions (theory, phenomenology, experiment).
Confirmed keynote speakers:
1. Professor John Ellis (King's College).
2. Professor Steven Abel (Durham).
3. Professor Alan Barr (Oxford).
4. Professor Steve King (Southampton).
Maien Binjonaid (Chair)
Marc Thomas
Chris Harman
Russell Kirk
Professor Stefano Moretti
South East Physics Netword (SEPnet) - www.sepnet.ac.uk
Fees: Registration is free of charge as well as accommodation for SEPnet and non-SEPnet PhDs/Postdocs. Travel is covered for SEPnet PhDs/Postdocs only.
For information contact: m.c.thomas@soton.ac.uk or m.binjonaid@soton.ac.uk
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