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Supersymmetry: from M-theory to the LHC

University of Kent

University of Kent

Woolf College University of Kent Canterbury
We aim to bring together young researchers from across SEPnet and the UK whose work is related to SUSY. This includes theoreticians, model builders, and phenomenologists working on BSM physics, astrophysics and cosmology, and experimentalists involved or interested in SUSY searches at the LHC. By covering a range of related topics from pure theory, including links to astrophysics and cosmology, all the way through to experimental searches, this workshop will allow all participants to widen their physics knowledge and broaden their experience. Focusing on SUSY will also allow students to gain a deeper understanding of this topic, allowing them to advance their own physics research. Researchers will have the chance to communicate their research, and the hope is that this conference will be an opportunity for generating new ideas and new collaborations. The workshop will contain four overview talks covering the status of supersymmetry from phenomenological, model building, theoretical, and experimental point of views. The remaining talks will be given mainly by PhD students (could include postdoctoral researchers as well). These talks will be divided according to subject into three sessions (theory, phenomenology, experiment). Confirmed keynote speakers: 1. Professor John Ellis (King's College). 2. Professor Steven Abel (Durham). 3. Professor Alan Barr (Oxford). 4. Professor Steve King (Southampton). Organisers: Maien Binjonaid (Chair) Marc Thomas Chris Harman Russell Kirk Professor Stefano Moretti Sponsor: South East Physics Netword (SEPnet) - Fees: Registration is free of charge as well as accommodation for SEPnet and non-SEPnet PhDs/Postdocs. Travel is covered for SEPnet PhDs/Postdocs only. For information contact: or
  • Monday 11 January
    • 09:00 09:30
      Registration and Coffee
    • 09:30 10:30
      Some ideas beyond vanilla SUSY, and their stringy origins: Steven Abel
    • 10:30 10:50
      Coffee 20m
    • 10:50 11:20
      Supersymmetry and Geometry and Hyperbolic Monopoles: Moustafa Gharamti

      Hyperbolic monopoles are solutions of the Bogomol’nyi equations on three-dimensional
      hyperbolic space. These equations are natural reduction of the self-duality equations for
      Yang-Mills fields in four-dimensional euclidean space. I will present the construction of a
      supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on hyperbolic space, identify hyperbolic monopoles as
      supersymmetric configurations and will show how supersymmetry determines the geometry
      of the moduli space of hyperbolic monopoles.

    • 11:20 11:45
      F-Theory GUTs and Discrete Symmetry: Andrew Meadowcroft

      F-Theory provides an interesting platform for motivating both GUT groups and discrete
      symmetries. In the work presented, we show that in an SU(5) × D4 model with a geometric
      R-parity, it is possible to build models that exhibit no proton decay, but baryon number
      violation in the form of neutron-antineutron oscillations.

    • 11:45 12:05
      Quantum Gravity using SUSY as a formal device: Anthony Preston

      I will present working towards a manifestly diffeomorphism invariant Exact Renormalization Group. Based on a generalization of the Polchinski flow equation, this is a method to study quantum gravity without fixing a gauge. It has both fixed-background and background-independent versions. Supersymmetry enters the formalism as a method of regularization. This is similar to Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry in statistical field theory, which I will also outline.

    • 12:05 12:30
      M-Theory at the LHC: Miguel Crispim Romao

      String Theory has been proven to be an important guide in constructing (semi-)realistc
      supersymmetric models of particle physics. While most recognise the results from Heterotic
      String theories, strongly coupled and non-perturbative (more general) formulations, such as
      F and M theories, have recently provided an exciting new branch of String Phenomenology.
      In this communication we will review how and why Supersymmetry arises in String/M theory,
      providing an introduction to some terminology and concepts for non-string phenomenologists.
      Afterwards, we will show how M Theory compactified on G2 manifolds provide all the
      ingredients for model building and a yet-much-unexplored territory. In doing so we will
      present the so-called G2-MSSM, an SU(5) class of models with the MSSM spectrum, before
      presenting the most recent developments on SO(10) SUSY GUTs arising from M Theory on
      G2 manifolds.

    • 12:30 14:00
    • 14:00 15:00
      Experimental Overview: Alan Barr
    • 15:00 15:30
      Searches for Third Generation Scalar Quarks with the ATLAS Detector: Giuseppe Lerner

      Supersymmetric theories offer an elegant solution to the naturalness problem of the Standard
      Model Higgs, constraining the mass of the superpartners of the third generation quarks,
      the stop and the sbottom, to be below the TeV scale. This talk presents the status of the
      ATLAS searches for stop and sbottom production in final states containing bottom quarks
      and invisible particles. It first presents an overview of the searches that employ the full
      statistics of 2012 LHC proton-proton collisions at \sqrt{s} = 8 TeV collected by the ATLAS
      detector, including also new results from the \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV collisions data collected during

    • 15:30 16:00
    • 16:00 17:30
      Poster Session with food and drinks

      with contributions from:
      Nicola Louise Abraham
      Miguel Crispim Romao
      Maria Dimou
      Chris Harman
      Edward Hughes
      Russell Kirk

    • 19:00 20:30
      Conference Dinner
  • Tuesday 12 January
    • 09:00 10:00
      SUSY GUTs and Flavour: Steve King
    • 10:00 10:30
      Searches for Direct Pair Production of Third Generation Squarks at ATLAS: Dave Lewis

      Naturalness arguments favour supersymmetric partners of third generation quarks with
      masses not too dissimilar to their standard model counterparts. Both top and bottom
      squarks with masses of a few hundred GeV can lead to high direct pair production rates
      at the LHC. This talk presents a summary of ATLAS results for direct stop and sbottom
      pair production using 20/fb of 8 TeV pp collision data, then provides an overview of the
      prospects for the 13 TeV data, focusing in particular on the search for hadronic stop decays.

    • 10:30 11:00
    • 11:00 11:30
      Electroweak SUSY Searches in Compressed SUSY Scenarios using the 3-Lepton+ETmiss Signature: Yusufu Shehu

      Final states with three well isolated leptons and large ETmiss are well motivated in the
      search for supersymmetry. Compressed supersymmetric spectra, where the mass difference
      between the chargino or second lightest neutralino and the lightest supersymmetric particle
      is relatively small (10-50 GeV), is an ongoing objective at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
      Compressed scenarios are explored by selecting 3-lepton events with an additional relatively
      hard initial-state radiation (ISR) jet and sizeable missing transverse energy. This permits the
      use of softer leptons in the analysis, which is experimentally challenging both for triggering
      and the particle reconstruction. The 3-lepton and ISR selection is explored here using Run-1
      data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. No
      significant excess were found above the Standard Model expectations. The new search was
      interpreted in terms of 95% confidence-level exclusion limits on the masses of the charginos
      and neutralinos. Results are summarised in arXiv:1509.07152.

    • 11:30 12:00
      Interpretations of BSM Light Higgs Searches: Robin Aggleton

      In this talk I will look at recent experimental results searching for light Higgs bosons at the
      LHC in the context of supersymmetric models (particularly 2HDM and the NMSSM), and
      their implications on these models.

    • 12:00 12:30
      Current Status of MSSM Higgs Sector and Future Prospects at the HL-LHC: Arghya Choudhury

      In this work, we search for the regions of the phenomenological minimal supersymmetric
      standard model (pMSSM) parameter space in ‘’alignment without decoupling” scenarios.
      In such cases one can expect to have moderate Higgs mixing angle () with relatively light
      additional Higgses after satisfying the current LHC data. Using the most updated data
      (till December 2014) from the LHC and Tevatron experiments, we perform a global fit
      analysis. We also consider the constraints coming from the precision measurements of the
      rare b-decays: Bs -> μ+μ− and b -> s \ga. We find that low MA (\leq 350) and high tan \be
      (\geq 25) regions are disfavored by the combined effect of the global analysis and flavour
      data. However, current data still allow regions with Higgs mixing angle \al \sim 0.1 - 0.8. We
      then study the existing direct search bounds on the heavy scalar/pseudoscalar (H/A) and
      charged Higgs boson (H±) masses and branchings at the LHC. It has been found that regions
      with low to moderate values of tan \be with light additional Higgses (mass \leq 600 GeV) are
      unconstrained by the data, while the regions with tan \be > 20 are excluded considering the
      direct search bounds by the LHC-8 data. The possibility to probe the region with tan \be
      \leq 20 at the high luminosity run of LHC are also discussed, giving special attention to the
      H -> hh, H/A -> \bar{t} t and H/A -> ø+ø− decay modes.

    • 12:30 14:00
    • 14:00 14:30
      Exploring (g-2)_\mu in the light of a Pati-Salam model with a A_4 × Z_5 Family Symmetry: Patrick Schaefers

      We explore the potential of the supersymmetric version of the Pati-Salam model with A_4×Z_5
      family symmetry to describe present experimental data. We demonstrate that this model,
      which was initially developed to describe the neutrino sector, has a great potential to explain
      collider and non-collider measurements, such as the dark matter relic density, the Higgs
      boson mass and, most importantly, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g − 2)_μ.
      The latter one suffers from a puzzling discrepancy at about 3\si level between the theoretical
      prediction and the experimental measured value, which the model is able to resolve precisely.
      Subsequently, the model predicts light smuons and respective di-muon signatures at the LHC
      arising from smuon pair production. We explore these signatures and suggest the respective
      benchmarks for further experimental studies.

    • 14:30 15:30
      Phenomenology Overview: John Ellis
    • 15:30 16:00