10–12 Jan 2016
University of Kent
Europe/London timezone


Exploring (g-2)_\mu in the light of a Pati-Salam model with a A_4 × Z_5 Family Symmetry

12 Jan 2016, 14:00
University of Kent

University of Kent

Woolf College University of Kent Canterbury


We explore the potential of the supersymmetric version of the Pati-Salam model with A_4×Z_5
family symmetry to describe present experimental data. We demonstrate that this model,
which was initially developed to describe the neutrino sector, has a great potential to explain
collider and non-collider measurements, such as the dark matter relic density, the Higgs
boson mass and, most importantly, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g − 2)_μ.
The latter one suffers from a puzzling discrepancy at about 3\si level between the theoretical
prediction and the experimental measured value, which the model is able to resolve precisely.
Subsequently, the model predicts light smuons and respective di-muon signatures at the LHC
arising from smuon pair production. We explore these signatures and suggest the respective
benchmarks for further experimental studies.

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