5–9 Jul 2016
<a href=http://www.sfpalace.com/>Palace Hotel San Francisco</a>
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Towards sub-ppm Shot-to-shot Amplitude Stability of SwissFEL Resonant Kicker

6 Jul 2016, 13:30
1h 30m
Twin Peaks (Palace Hotel San Francisco)

Twin Peaks

Palace Hotel San Francisco

Poster Presentation Repetitive Pulsed Power Systems, Repetitive Pulsed Magnetics, Accelerators, Beams, High Power Microwaves, and High Power Pulse Antennas Poster 1-A


Martin Paraliev (PSI)


The development of a fast electron beam switching system for Swiss Free Electron Laser[1] (SwissFEL) is in its final phase. Two high stability resonant kicker magnets followed by a septum should separate two closely spaced electron bunches (28 ns apart) and send them to two separate undulator lines. Extremely high shot-to-shot amplitude stability will ensure minimal shot-to-shot variation of the generated X-ray pulses. As previously reported, the prototype system met the project requirements, reaching 3 ppm rms shot-to-shot amplitude stability[2]. During final system optimization better than 1 ppm rms shot-to-shot amplitude stability (10e-6) has been achieved. [1] M. Paraliev, C. Gough, “Development of high stability resonant kicker for Swiss Free Electron Laser” Proc. 2013 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, pp. 1264-1267, San Francisco, CA, USA, doi:10.1109/PPC.2013.6627606, 2013 [2] M. Paraliev, C. Gough, “Stability Measurements of SwissFEL Resonant Kicker Prototype”, Proc. 2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, pp. 322-325, Santa Fe, NM, USA, doi: 10.1109/IPMHVC.2014.7287273, 2014

Primary author


Mr Christopher Gough (Paul Scherrer Institut)

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